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you have a hole in the air intake boot(big black hose that connects your air filter to the throttle body) which is letting un-metered air in the motor causing the check engine light on and limp mode, and the code is most likely po171(lean) or a code relating to your airflow meter(MAF Sensor) reading out of range, erratic.etc...... unplug your airflow meter and the computer will recognize that it's missing and will make adjustments to injector pulse/fuel trim, ignition timing, possibly variable valve and/or camshaft timing, and any other performance adjustments i'm forgetting by calculating air intake volume based on readings from your TPS, ECT, A/F Ratio and/or O2 sensor(s) and ANY OTHER SENSOR i'm forgetting. It's also possible that i'm a professional bullshitter and just spent all that time making up everything i just typed here!Nope! From your description it sounds like what i said, a hole in the air intake boot causing too much air into the motor for the ECU to compensate for by adding fuel(if the ECU...