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Computer Overheating
Your computer feels very warm to the touch.
Air may not be able to circulate properly.
Sometimes a computer can get too hot if it is sitting in your lap because it is not able to circulate air. If this is not the case, then check to see if there is an accumulation of dust on the bottom of the computer. Again, if this is not the case, then read on.
Too many programs running at once
It is possible that your computer just has too many programs running constantly. You can try shutting down your computer. This will allow your laptop to close any unnecessary programs. When you turn it back on, it will not require as much computing power because most programs will be closed. If you have tried this and let the computer cool off but it still gets very warm, then you may want to check that the fan is working properly.
The fan is not working
If none of the previous steps solve your issue with your computer getting too hot, then the problem is most likely that your fan is not working and may need to be replaced. You can find our fan replacement guide here.
Screen is unresponsive
You cannot get your screen to turn on
Battery is Dead
If you turn on your computer but the screen will not turn on, first check to see if your battery is dead. You can plug in your charger and try to turn it on. If it is still not working, then check to make sure your computer is actually on. You should hear the fan running and the computer working. If not, refer to the battery diagnosing section.
The Screen's Brightness may be turned all the way down
If you do hear your computer running but your screen is still not turning on, check to see if the brightness is turned all the way down. When your computer is on and running, use the brightness button just above the keyboard to turn the brightness up. If that does not fix the issue, please read on.
The Screen is Broken
If all other steps failed, then your screen may be the direct issue. If you have recently dropped your computer then this will be very likely and you will need to replace your screen. It is also possible, but very rare, that a connection inside the computer is loose or has been disconnected. Please refer to the repair guides to see how to replace the screen. You can find the screen replacement guide here.
Keyboard is not working
Your keyboard is not responding or you are missing keys on your keyboard
Missing Keys
If the keys are missing on your keyboard you should consider replacing your keyboard or each individual key.
Keys Are Stuck
If the keys on your keyboard are stuck in place, there might be something stuck underneath the keys. You may need to replace your keyboard.
Keyboard connection is loose
If your connection is loose, the keyboard will not respond. You can follow our keyboard replacement guide to see how to get to that connection.
Keyboard is broken
If all else fails, you may need to replace your keyboard. Refer to our keyboard replacement guide. You can find the keyboard replacement guide here.
Computer is not responding
Your computer will not turn on.
Broken Computer Charger
Always check to see if your laptop charger is plugged in and the light is on. If for some reason the charger is plugged in and the light is off, the adapter is broken. Please consider buying a new one.
Laptop Battery is Broken
Make sure that the charger is connected to the laptop, and make sure that the light on the adapter is on. If your laptop only powers on when the charger is plugged in, the battery is most likely broken. Refer to our battery replacement guide. You can find it here.
USB ports are not Functioning
The USB ports fail to recognize any kind of device that is plugged into it or doesn’t stay connected
Something stuck inside the USB port
It is possible there could be something physical stuck in the USB port. It would most likely be something like dust so simply blowing it out should be enough to fix this issue. If there is physically something in the USB port then just remove it without damaging the device.
The device you are trying to plug in may not work
You can check to see if the device isn’t working by plugging the device into another available USB port on some other device. Another computer is recommended. If it does not work in another computer, then there is probably something wrong with your device.
Unable to read CD's/DVD's or open the disk drive
The disk drive is not opening or closing. Or the disk drive won't read the disk inside of it
Something Stuck Inside
If the disk drive won't slide out after hitting the button then there could be something physically blocking it from opening. Make sure you move your hand out of the way so you do not block it from opening. If that is not the issue then you can try opening the disk drive manually. You do this by identifying the small hole on the face plate of the disk drive. Then you take a paperclip or something similar and stick it in, making sure that the computer is shut down and the charger is not plugged in.
Low or Dead Battery
The disk drive needs power to at least initially open it so if the device is dead then the disk drive will be unable to open. Just plug the charger into the device and try again when the device has more power.
Broken Disk Drive
You will need to replace the disk drive and you can find out how to do that here if necessary.
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