Why does station change when unit is turned on?

I've had this HD radio for several months. I really only listen to one station, preset HD01. For the past two days, every time I turn on the radio it starts playing HD02. I have to manually push the - HD Search button to get the device back to HD01. It also takes longer for the audio to start playing than it used to. No one else is using the radio. What the heck is going on here?

Diese Frage beantworten Ich habe das gleiche Problem

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2 Kommentare:

Hi, Are you using batteries or an AC adapter to power the radio?


Hi Jeff. Sorry, I didn't see this for the first time till today. I'm using AC power. But get this! The radio fell onto the floor this morning from on top of the refrigerator. Since then, it's been functioning normally! (Despite a dent in the speaker on the front.) I.e., when I turn the radio back on, it's still on the last HD station I was listening to when I turned it off.



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