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Hochleistungstablet der 2. Generation, herausgegeben von Apple im Juni 2017. Modell A1670

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Is my iPad dead or display not working?

Yesterday my ipad pro 12.9 2nd gen screen turned black. I tried hard restart several times, but to no avail. I plugged into the computer it doesnt recognize it, but mind you i have never plugged it in to a computer before. so I dont know if would recognize it.

I found a program on the internet that does diagnostic repairs and what not. I had the iPad connected to the computer and tried to put it in recovery mode and the screen goes brighter (a faded white screen with a black border) and the program did recognize it was a ipad pro 12.9 2nd gen, but iTunes does not recognize it. So I'm not sure if that means anything

Everything was working just fine before my screen went black. The touchscreen, home button, sleep/wake button, its fully charged 100%, etc.

I can still see a faded back up light when I press the home button or sleep/wake button when the room is pitch black. I went to the apple store and they said it wasnt giving off charge only a 1/10th of the power.

I'm not sure if it's the ipad is dead or display is gone or maybe i0s problem?

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Even if you have never plugged into a computer before, it would still be recognized by one if it was booting and powering normally. You just wouldn’t be able to sync it or backup without being able to enter the password. You can also try putting it into recovery mode to see if it’s recognized. Which would also allow you to try and process an update, if it is in fact a software problem causing it to not boot. This might be tricky if you can’t see the display, it will likely be a bit of a dance with timings, but it would at least tell you the device is responding.

If you took it to the Apple Store and they ran their Integrated Circuit Checker, which is the tool that’s used to see if a device is capable of powering on, those can also give false results (can indicate it’s not capable of turning on, or it’s drawing very little power) if the device is actually on and the screen is locked.

But this still sounds to me, like if a computer is not recognizing the device, it’s probably not software.

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I found a program on the internet that does diagnostic repairs and what not. I had the iPad connected to the computer and tried to put it in recovery mode and the screen goes brighter (a faded white screen with a black border) and the program did recognize it was a ipad pro 12.9 2nd gen, but iTunes does not recognize it. So I'm not sure if that means anything


@f_f If iTunes does not see it in recovery mode, it is not a software problem, you could also try DFU mode, but that only allows a restore, not an update so if the data on it is important, then doing a DFU restore wouldn't help and based on what you're already said, my hope that that will fix it is not great.

It doesn't sound like a display issue either since that wouldn't effect its ability for iTunes to interface with the device.

I'm not sure if your end goal is to get it up and running again or to get the data, but at this point, I think your best bet is to take it to a reputable independent repair shop, probably one that can do board level repairs if that's an option. It sounds like it's trying to boot/power, since you're getting backlight or some sort of image. But the fact that iTunes does not see it in addition to the display issue sounds more like a board problem than anything else.


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