Beschreibe das genaue Ersatzteil oder den Bestandteil des device an dem du arbeitest. Bsp. Akku
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Hier ist Platz für Hintergrundinformationen, bevor jemand mit der Anleitung beginnt.
1. Schritt
Cut the damaged elastic band with scissors as shown in the video.
2. Schritt
Mark the two original seam positions on the inside of the chest belt. This way, you can attach the new elastic band in the same position later.
3. Schritt
Remove the thread remnants.
4. Schritt
Cut a new piece of elastic band measuring 12 cm in length. The width of the elastic band should match the width of the webbing.
5. Schritt
Fold the new elastic band in half so that all the edges are aligned.
6. Schritt
Supplementary video for step 5. It demonstrates how the first side of the elastic band is sewn onto the chest strap.
7. Schritt
The other end of the elastic band is also sewn at 0.5 cm to the second marking. The end is folded over so that the seam allowances lie on the inside on both sides (see image 1).
8. Schritt
This video shows a simplified version for step 7.
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