Verwende diese Anleitung, um die Rückabdeckung deines Lenovo Yoga 3 11 zu ersetzen.
Was du brauchst
Entferne die elf 6mm T5 Torxschrauben, mit denen die Rückabdeckung befestigt ist.
Hebe die Rückabdeckung vorsichtig nach oben ab.
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Um das Gerät wieder zusammenzubauen, folge diesen Anweisungen in umgekehrter Reihenfolge
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Once you remove the T5 screws take notice of the two places where the lower cases design accounts for the LCD hinges. The lower case wraps over the edge and extends the entire length of the machine on the LCD edge to meet the black plastic of the upper case. You may want to use a thin edged sponger at points on either side of each hinge to dislodge the lower case. I found it best to begin removal of the lower case from the LCD edge. Once that edge is released the rest of the lower case will be much easier to release and remove. Subsequently when installing the new case begin by placing the LCD edge first. Go in at an angle necessary to set the edge that wraps over. This guide and this comment applies to the 3 11 and the 3 14.