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OnePlus 7 Pro Display austauschen

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Mitglied seit: 12/15/19

2.746 Reputation

14 Anleitungen geschrieben

12 Kommentare

So I have a friend that owns this phone and has had the screen replaced, there is however some misalignment of the screen and frame on her phone in the form of a very obvious crack between the two, the two surfaces are also not flush. Could someone in theory have improperly repaired the phone by separating the screen from the frame and gluing a new one in place?

Thank you and have a nice day.

Clayton Lawliss - Antwort

No that is due to the frame being bent, if it is bent the screen will not sit properly and it is a difficult task to un bend a frame but it is possible.

Zach Benson -

Is it possible to replace just the top glass if the rest of the screen is intact? It's got surface cracks both front and back.

MJ Mulenga III - Antwort

No don't and I mean DONT go that route the glass or whatever seems cheaper but the repair of separating them is next to impossible. Its like trying to take a part two potatoe chips that have been glued together and in the process not breaking either. Get a screen replacement.

Zach Benson -

Absolutely none of this is necessary as they don’t sell the screen with the frame. If you’re unlucky like me you’ll get the entire phone apart and then it will tell you to reassemble parts onto screen WITH frame.

Joel Tool - Antwort

If there is ever an option when buying a screen saying with or without frame always get the frame. Its a little more spendy but saves so much hassle, anger and frustration. It's also one of those repairs people like myself dread!

Zach Benson -

Could this be used and adapted to replace the charging port?

S. S. - Antwort

Yes, I got the part on amazon and successfully replaced the charging port as well as the battery when I opened it

Daniel Malkowski -

In reviewing this, I was expecting more steps. It stops after #41 removing the coaxial cable. Nothing mentioned about the screen. Did something happen to the rest?

mesmurized - Antwort

Follow steps in reverse

Zach Benson -

After doing this now when I turned the phone back on for the first time and put in the pass code and first attempt it says I put the wrong password in 86 times and times out for like 900 seconds...

Zach Benson - Antwort

Folder please sir

Cartoon Channels - Antwort

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