Diese Anleitung zeigt, wie das "Green Light of Death" (GLOD) bei einer PlayStation 3 behoben werden kann.
Während die PlayStation 3 eingeschaltet ist (zu erkennen an der grünen "Power"-LED), schalte die PlayStation 3 in den Standby-Modus, indem der Einschaltknopf 5 Sekunden gedrückt wird.
Wahrend die PlayStation 3 im Standby-Modus ist, halte den Ein/Aus-Schalter gedrückt, bis ein Ton zu hören ist. Dieser wiederholt sich 2 bis 3 Mal. Lasse den Knopf dann los.
about 2 or 3, which is it, or which is it supposed to be? I can get the two beeps and once i thought i heard three...i'm thinking 3 is the reset, but the system won't do it.?
i held that button down for a min or two i got one beep and it came on but still a black screen and iv done this over and over are there any known causes of this issue?
My son was playing mine and the screen became all pixelated with white lines.
My understanding as I did find a YouTube video that shows the same thing as mine did. Is that the gpu hasn't went bad but needs to be reflowed or reballed.
I would tell you if it worked or not but when I was putting it back together I broke off the clip on the motherboard that the ribbon cable plugs into from the eject and on and off board.
So my recommendation would be try a reflow.
I didn't get any 2/3 beeps.
Nun sind die Grafikeinstellung zurückgesetzt und auf die niedrigste Einstellung vor eingestellt. Sobald die PlayStation 3 mit einem angeschlossenem HDMI oder AV-Kabel eingeschaltet wird, erscheint wieder ein Bild.
Nope hasn't worked
going into recovery mode is not the solution for the glod you must get the rsx video chip reflowed or reballed
it worked for me but it stayed on the green wavy screen and didn’t do anything else
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I have tried this multiple times, even took up a few hints about removing the HDD and putting it back in, and then trying.... it still did not work.... does any one have any idea of how to REALLY fix this?!
Yo need to change the Hard Drive, the problem from the Green Light its almost the 90% a HDD that is corrupted or broken. Put the HDD in your PC and format the HDD, then put it back on your PS3 and plug a USB with the latest update for the PS3 it will ask you for the update before format the HDD. Just do what it says on the screen.
PS: Also a easy way to know that its a HDD failure its just removing the HDD and turn on the console, you will get a warning image saying that there is no Hard Drive on the console.
There is a solution that I tried on my ps3 slim when it had the GLOD. I tried using a quarter by placing it on top of the RSX and screwing the cooler back on. Once I booted the PS3 up again it worked! This is a fairly common issue with the PS3 and the Xbox 360 due to heat of the chips causing the solder joints to crack.
I have also been searching endlessly for a solution to this problem for my CECH-2001A model PS3 Slim. The majority of the time my system turns on with the GLOD. The rest of the time it works perfectly. I've tried safe mode and went through all the steps numerous times. I've also tried three different hard drives, two different HDMI cables and two different tv's. None of which alleviate the problem. I've also replaced the thermal paste and am religious with keeping it dust free. The only other solution I've found is that the RSX may be the culprit. Other than that, I'm at a loss.
I put put my ps3 motherboard in the oven at 400 degrees for 10 minutes let's see if it works lol
aww man it did not work for me
I pressed the Power button for 5 sec every &&^&^$^ time and nothing happen plz help meh lor gabe!
Nope didn't work as usual.... Why does Sony have to be complicated I'm pretty sure it's got to be more than this...
Now what to do when it got on the safe mode?
RSX reflow, the solder joints could be cracked on the GPU. This is a video reset.
Can put some coins (with only some copper) with up the rsx chip and back works fine.
With better length.
Hi all.
Has anyone actually found a working solution for this problem ?
My ' Fat ' PS3 has the exact same problem,no video or sound.
My PS3 boots up as normal,and sounds normal,but no sound or video through the HDMI,and the same with the original AV cable.???
Maybe I can help you
After you get through this, when you see the options.
Which one should I choose?
what is it??
Any chance ,how can you help with the GLOD
Please send your suggestion on the GLOD for Fat PS3
hi there I notice anybody on here is trying to fix their playstation 3 themselves but my suggestion is not going to sony and get it shipped out and pay over 200 hundred dollars!there is another way click on this link and hopefully this may help you.good luck! '''http://tinyurl.com/ycalqnf4'''
I just put my ps3 motherboard in the oven let's see if it works I put it at 400 degrees in for 10 minutes and 30 minutes to cool let's see if this fixes the green light of death I know this method will fix ylod but I have never tried it with Glod. God willing it works
But even if I remove the HDD it won't show any warning sign it would be blank
Everyone that has the same issue and nothing helped take dissasemble the complete ps3 till you come to the motherboard just look it up on youtube not that hard. Once youre there take a pennie i just took 5 cents and place it over the cpu its the chip that has RSX Written over it then assemble everything back and you should be good to go! Just keep in mind this is NOT a permanent fix you will eventually need to go and get it repaired at a shop.