Diese Anleitung zeigt dir wie du den Laser im Blu-ray Laufwerk austauschen kannst.
Was du brauchst
Entferne mit der Spitze eines Spudgers den schwarzen Gummi-Schraubdeckel von der Seite der PS3.
Entferne die 8,5 mm TR10 Torx Security Schraube von der Abdeckung.
How to Delid and fix the Yellow Light of Death for good (NEC TOKIN Replacement) https://gbatemp.net/threads/how-to-delid...
Ziehe die Abdeckung in Richtung des Festplattenschachts, dann hebe sie vom Körper der PS3 ab.
How to Delid and fix the Yellow Light of Death for good (NEC TOKIN Replacement) https://gbatemp.net/threads/how-to-delid...
different in mine too, Model: CECHP01
mine does not have one at all
1How to Delid and fix the Yellow Light of Death for good (NEC TOKIN Replacement) https://gbatemp.net/threads/how-to-delid...
Did not find in my CECHH01
I don’t have this bracket, where I can get it ?
Entferne die folgenden sieben Schrauben:
Sechs 52 mm Kreuzschlitzschrauben
Eine 30 mm Kreuzschlitzschraube
2 more smaller screws (don't know what size...small) just below the top middle screw and top right screw (in the picture). Look for the arrows...
can confirm, might be the backwards compatibles only
This usually isn't needed as you can additionally unclip the card reader by pushing the tabs out while lifting the top, They are located at the bottom of the screw holes with the arrows pointing at them
after you remove the screws, you may have to push a tab to take the cover off if you meet resistance on one side of the cover. Here is a link to a video that explains it, saved me lots of trouble:
Thanks @ericksi33, this really helped me out.
hogurt -
1st attempt, fan loud. Ps3 lasted about 2 wks. 2nd attempt noticed very poor contact between heatsink & cpu,gpu when taking it apart. Research - Found a better way to apply thermal past. I personally disapprove of guide on this. A small bit about the size of a grain of rice in center of cpu is plenty. Clamp the heat sinks back on. Then take it apart & check contact area. Thermal paste should have spread to about the size of a quarter.(more is better. Less then a nickel size is poor contact) possibly weak clamps. Carefully applied pressure onto the cpu & gpu, pressing them into the heatsinks before clamping heatsink clamps on. Achieved greater then quarter sized thermal past spread. Fan silent in comparison & ps3 lasted about a yr. Rarely did I ever hear the fan go to high and get loud after that. About to begin my third fix on this same ps3. One of the first 80g backwards compatible. other then those notes and that this guide was for a different model ps3 (minor differences) I liked this guide. easy to follow.
Although the battery is described as proprietary, it looks like it is the common CR2032 lithium coin battery that is used in calculators and some computers. I haven't had to replace mine but I suspect under the heatshrink cover is a battery holder which will allow the coin battery to be removed and replaced. Then wrap with electrical tape and reinstall.
I tried this with the heatgun and it ruined my PS3. The CPU and GPU are NOW RUINED!!! It did not work for and made things worst!!! I sent it to a place to get reballed and they said the HEATGUN had overheated my processor and killed them!!! So think twice about doing this. Just because it is already broken, DON'T THINK YOU CAN'T MAKE IT WORST!
Why would you try it with a heat gun, no were is it mentioned to do that
2How to Delid and fix the Yellow Light of Death for good (NEC TOKIN Replacement) https://gbatemp.net/threads/how-to-delid...
I felt more comfortable with #2 screwdrivers.
Hebe die obere Abdeckung von der Hinterkante und drehe sie in Richtung der Vorderseite der PS3.
Entferne die obere Abdeckung.
Hinten rechts in der Ecke befindet sich ein kleiner Plastikhaken. Löse diesen vorsichtig, indem du mit einem Spudger durch die Öffnung dagegen drückst.
Disconnect the memory card ribbon cable.
The top would hardly budge on the left back corner and was stuck on the right back corner. There is a plastic hook that needs to be unfastened to lift the top off. It is located in a hole on the top back corner on the right hand side, so the corner straight across the on off button. Just gently push the plastic hook a bit front the rear of the machine with a spudger. It gives easily and the top will be free to lift off after that.
I can confirm on CECHH01.
Some more details here as well.
The newer model without SACD support appears to have added that clip to the back right that needs to be pressed to release the top shell.
If equipped with the card reader you can either have to disconnect the ribbon cable or unclip the reader from the top shell after lifting it up to get finger or tool in there to push clip to side and release reader from top shell. Note: if you failed to remove the card reader screws in the previous step these clips can break.
The original 60GB with the CF card reader on the front has a button protruding out. This will make it difficult to remove the top. You need to unscrew the memory card reader so it can come out easily.
Wow, this needs more attention. This isn't explained in any disassembly guide I've seen. You also need to be cognizant of the card reader cable when you're lifting off the lid.
I didn't have trouble during disassembly, but reassembly was tough. I loosened the card reader screws by 1 turn and used a small gauge wire to lasso the button and ran it through the CF hole.
this really needs to be added to the guide i was struggling with mine trying to figure out why it wouldn't lift up. it was the CF reader button
Doji ← -
Trenne die Blu-ray-Stromkabel von der Hauptplatine.
Pull the cables gently, the plug will come out of the socket. The plug is encased by the socket.
That’s also what I did.
My PS3 is the CECHL01 and I had to remove the PSU to get to the disk drive ribbon cable.
I mistakenly ripped the whole thing out... I do not know where to begin on repairing it.
Hebe vorsichtig das Blu-ray-Laufwerk von der Kante, die zur Stromversorgung zeigt, an und drehe es weg vom Gehäuse, um den Zugang zu den Flachbandkabeln zu ermöglichen.
Klappe mit deinem Fingernagel die Halterungen der Flachbandkabel an der Buchse nach oben.
Ziehe das Flachbandkabel aus der Fassung.
Entferne das Blu-ray-Laufwerk aus der PS3.
Not all systems look like this, some have tape instead of the flap.
Every system that I have seen has had the ZIF connector, while some had tape over the connection as well. If your connectors are taped, be sure to remove the tape, then proceed with undoing the ZIF connector.
The version 2 systems baseboard PCB started switching to the new narrow 24 pin ZIF header/ribbon and Blu-Ray drive connection.
You should not attempt to detach the taped ribbon cable from the drive end first as described above for the older wide 60 pin ribbons. You must remove the drive and ribbon as one unit to protect the fragile ZIF sockets.
The slimmer fragile ribbon is taped to the drive housing to afford a more secure ZIF connection. The opposite base connection is slightly under the PSU.
From continued
One should firstly remove the PSU: Disconnect the drive power cable as described above. Unscrew the 5 (3-P1 2-P2) PSU mounting screws. Now leaving the power cables attached, lift the PSU off the power baseboard PCB pins and move over slightly to access the baseboard drive cable end ZIF. Release the ZIF latch and slide the entire (drive and ribbon) strait away from the baseboard ZIF to disconnect.
After the complete drive/ribbon removal, you can carefully remove the restraining tape on the bottom of the drive to release the ribbon ZIF, then remove the 24 pin ribbon from the drive logic PCB.
Install in reverse order making sure to add new tape to secure the ribbon to the drive.
I needed to remove the PSO completely to reach the baseboard drive cable end ZIF. To do that disconnect the power and data (I assume) cables and then pull the unit straight up. To longish prongs are heading straight up into it from the baseboard and it is a bit tight, so gently pull until it's clear.
cornellg -
If you are replacing the Blu-ray drive, you must use the same daughterboard that came with your PlayStation 3. The daughterboard is paired to the motherboard, and the Blu-ray drive will not work with a different board. -------------- I understand however my daughterboard is not on the bottom of the blu-ray drive it must be on the inside. Is there any advice out there on how I go about doing this as I am not sure what I am doing???? If someone could post a link or any tips it would be greatly appreciated.
When I received my new drive there was a sheet that said you could keep the old boards but you have to 'flash' them with the ps3's digital information. Currently trying to figure out how.....
Cheffy -
My CECHH01 has its blu-ray drive encased in a shield plate. Only one ribbon cable is visible. (The one we have to disconnect). Mine had some tape over it.
Also, I used a spudger instead of my nails.
Das Flachbandkabel A2 wurde in Schritt 9 schon entfernt. Entferne auch die Flachbandkabel A3, A4, A5 und A6. Klappe dazu die Sicherungsbügel mit dem Fingernagel hoch.
Entferne die Schrauben 9,10,11,12 und 13 mit einem Kreuzschlitz-Schraubendreher #00.
Achte darauf, dass die Schrauben 11 und 12 bei manchen Modellen eine Versteifung befestigen. Du kannst das im Bild erkennen, achte beim Zusammenbau auf die korrekte Position.
Kippe die Blu-ray-Steuerplatine sehr vorsichtig an, hebe sie dazu links hoch und drehe sie nach rechts. Halte die rechte Seite nahe am Blu-ray Laufwerk, das Rote-schwarze Kabel A7 ist sehr empfindlich.
Entferne das Kabel A7. Dieses Kabel verbindet den Auswurfsensor der Platte mit der Steuerplatine.
Entferne die Schrauben 14 und 15.
Teil C ist ein Stabilisator und Erdkontakt für das Laufwerk. Der Hersteller kann ihn auch anderswo angebracht haben, möglicherweise gibt es sogar mehrere davon. Achte beim Zusammenbau darauf, dass sie wieder an der ursprünglichen Position befestigt werden, sonst kann das Laufwerk die Scheiben beschädigen.
Entferne die silberfarbene Laufwerksabdeckung.
Entferne die Schrauben 16, 17,18,19 und 20.
Entferne die Magnetspindel D.
Entferne die Oberseite des Laufwerks, achte dabei wieder darauf, dass das rot-schwarze Kabel nicht beschädigt wird.
Entferne die Schrauben 21 und 22 und die Halterungen, die sie befestigen.
Entferne Stange B.
Löse Flachbandkabel F.
Entferne die Lasereinheit G und tausche sie aus.
Gehe die Schritte zum Zusammenbau wieder rückwärts.
Der KES-400AAA Laser funktioniert in folgenden Modellen: CECHE03, CECHA03, CECHC03, CECHG03, CECHB0 und CECHC03, auch weitere Modelle arbeiten mit der KES-400AAA Lasereinheit. Dein Händler weiß zum richtigen Modell Bescheid. Grundsätzlich benutzen ältere Modelle mit vier USB Anschlüssen die KES-400AAA, die mit zwei USB Anschlüssen die KES-410CA.
Hello! I have a problem, the BR Disc unit doesn’t work and have a stuck disc inside and when I opened it with this recommendation to take it out, have the cd block stick up and still not working when I ensambles it again… something I can do?
So I have a question I have the 1st gen ps3 and I got it for a steal, I was wonder does the KES-400A work on the PS3 model: CECHE01 ?
Um dein Gerät wieder zusammenbauen, folge den Schritten in umgekehrter Reihenfolge.
Um dein Gerät wieder zusammenbauen, folge den Schritten in umgekehrter Reihenfolge.
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29 Kommentare
Perhaps this guide can integrate the procedure for removing a stuck disc? Many YLOD units die with a disc in the drive and some repair service providers charge extra to remove it. What's worse, sometimes it is not your disc! I was going to send it to Sony for my repair except that the disc inside is rented and needs to be extracted right away. The repair providers who charge extra implied to me that they charge extra because the drive needs a disc reinserted if it is going to work again when booted up in a working PS3 (something about rails that would fall without a disc holding them up). I believe that they throw in a blank CD/DVD or one of those clear plastic separator discs that come in recordable disc cake-boxes on the top and bottom of the stack.
If you do these steps you will get to the disk and remove it easily
This tutorial is brilliant and saved my PS3. Thank you.
One comment or question really: Between steps 9 and 10 a heat shield magically appears. In Step 9 when you see the drive being taken off, there's no apparent heat shield.
But in Step 10 we see the heat shield. On my unit, there doesn't appear to be one. So this was - and is - a little confusing. I thought somehow I'd lost the part. (Though in the space I was working, there's just nowhere it could have gone.) Is this a problem to not have this? It's hard to tell from your pics whether the original had a shield or not or if these were two different units.
You are correct, the units in steps 9 and 10 are different. Steps 1-9 are part of an original iFixit tear-down, steps 10-15 are my user-created guide which iFixit staff have merged with their own.
There may be some variation between units, if your original disc drive didn't have a heat shield then I wouldn't worry. It doesn't appear that the unit in steps 1-9 from iFixit had one either. Thanks for the feedback, I'm glad the guide helped you fix your issue.
It is not recommended to replace just the laser unit. It is better to replace the drive chassis (metal part, including the rail and disc spindle motor) as an assembly because the height of the rails are calibrated in factory. Unscrewing the rail screws will change the alignment and you can't calibrate it.
This is what solved my problem. I tried just switching the lens and it didn’t work. The lens would move around but not read disks. I switched the whole chassis and it worked perfect!
Not sure if this is the best way to do this. I just need a little help or a point in the right direction. I can't seem to find the information I need on the playstation or Toms Hardware forums. I bought a ysed 60gb ps3 on Ebay. It plays everything but ps2. It see's that a ps2 disc is in the drive but thescreen goes black and the controller turns off when I try to play it. Could it be a problem with the laser or something else? I'm trying to educate myself in electronics better and DIY maintenance but am very frustrated by the lack of poor support I have found online and the amount of uneducated and inconsiderate answers I find in certain forums. I'm hoping somebody can help me here.
Make sure you have truly have a BWC unit by checking the model number. If it's a CECHH01, you are safe. Not sure about the other BWC model numbers. Non-BWC units will still play original Playstation games, but not PS2 games, so that could be your problem.
If you do have the correct unit, if my memory serves correctly, there are two pieces of hardware on the Laser Assembly, one that reads BluRay discs, and another that reads the PS2 format DVDs. One can go out without affecting the other. So in short: yes, the BluRay laser assembly could affect your ability to play PS2 games without affecting your ability to play PS3 games. Again, if I remember correctly, I have replaced the BluRay laser assembly twice for this reason, though feel free to double check this with other users.
The wireless controller turning off is normal. Whenever you switch from the PS3's XMB to the emulation software to play BWC games, the controller will turn off, and you have to turn it back on. Nothing wrong here.
Comment back if needed
Thanks man. I really appreciate the answer. I do have the CECHA001 with the four usb ports in the front. I guess it actually has the PS2 chip inside rather than the semiBWC that came soon after. I read about the 2-laser thing myself but does that mean that the secondary laser is just for ps2 games whereas the primary laser reads everything else kind of like how it's capable to read everything in the newer Slim models but ps2? It recognizes the ps2 disc when I insert it and I can hear the parts start whirring but then the screen goes blank and I can't even quit playback and return to the main menu via the PS button but I can still hear the whirring of what I assume is the disk drive, I have to turn it off and back on again.
I can't guarantee that this is your problem, but from my memory, it seems mine was doing the same thing about five years ago. And yes, I meant CECHA01, not H01. That's what I get for second guessing myself and reading upside down :-)
The secondary laser is for PS2 games. They removed it to decrease costs. Newer models recognize a PS2 disk using the BluRay laser, which is what you are describing with yours. But newer models give an incompatibility message, rather than trying to load the games when selected, and then being unable to due to the apparent hardware failure of the second laser. The part you are looking for is here: [verlinktes Produkt fehlt oder ist deaktiviert: IF213-003], though it is unavailable. You can buy the whole drive, or just the laser assembly, depending on your skill. I found the laser assembly a little more challenging, but reasonably manageable, and bought it off of eBay.
I took another look at my shopping history. It looks like the Laser Deck Assembly is this: http://www.ebay.com/itm/For-Sony-PS3-Las.... (I am not endorsing the seller.) It seems not that there are two different lasers, but rather that a hardware chip is built into the Laser Deck Assembly that can read the PS2 disks. Again--it's been a while, but the more I look, the more my memory seems to be reinforced. Hope this helps.
Thanks again for the info. When you say you're not endorsing the seller, I assume you mean that you are unfamiliar with them and can't honestly comment rather than you won't endorse them because they're a crook. I'll fix this thing or at least attempt to before I take it to a local repair shop.
I think I'm gonna go ahead and just replace the entire drive as I'm pretty handy and dexterous but I've never attempted to fix one of these. Tom Chai mentioned above that it's best to replace the entire drive due to avoid calibration issues. Unless I'm mistaken, I've found quite a number of drives for sale online that are all less than $30. The one above that is unavailable is listed at $75. Is there a reason for the difference in price?
1. Your assumption is correct. I am unfamiliar with the seller. 2. IFixit is funded through sales. Parts are sometimes higher; plus, they are warrantied. Time is also a factor. I assume prices are not adjusted when there is no stock. 3. I am not sure. This is the only part I have had to replace in my PS3. You mentioned a whirring noise: possibly a fan, though unlikely. Or a gear somewhere (though most likely within the optical drive you intend to replace).
Worst case scenario, for some reason, replacing the drive doesn't fix the problem, what else could it possibly be if anything?
I read someplace as well that are upgrades to parts that can extend the life of the of this model of ps3 and to possibly prevent ylod such as a fan with more blades, leaded sauter(correct the spelling if incorrect if you dont mind) and some other things that Ican't recall. Feel free to share and let me know if I should be asking questions unrelated to the part being fixed elsewhere. Thanks for your support.
Is it also safe to assume that there are no new parts for this machine any longer or can new parts still be ordered fromSony?
Any thoughts I my last comments? Any ideas when they might get more blu-ray drives in?
So sorry for the delay. I doubt iFixit will restock the part. I would recommend searching on eBay. You can still find new parts on there sometimes, or used parts with warranties. I replaced my lassr deck (not the whole drive) in approximately 2010, and I have not had a problem with it since. If I remembered the seller, I would refer you, but there are plenty on there selling both the laser deck assembly and the drive itself.
I am not aware of this part being sold separately. You might want to search eBay. That's where I find most of my non-iFixit supplied parts.
i got ps3 slim but the felt strip on all them looks the same was hoping to find a new one some where but most people have said have to get another drive to get one but most drives are second hand now , some where must sell one that fits id say just havnt had any luck finding one yet
For what I know I have a PS3 second generation 80gb 2008 the one that came with Metal Gear solid edition, according to my research this either a CECHKxx
CECHLxx CECHMxx what model of blu ray replacement should I get and where? I really appreciate your response I have been trying to fix my ps since two years ago
Lol same i cant access the device storage and do anything and been blocked on the five options but cant format it because the hard drive is broken..
But luckily a friend of my brother brought to us his old ps3 but it cant read the disks so i came to the conclusion that the layser or something else was broken..And then today i thought why dont i take from my super slim ps3 the layser or what ever i need to take of and put it to the other ps3 that isn't the super slim version..So what do you think can i change that? PLEASE POEPLE IN HERE HELP I AM DESPERATE..
Hi. I'm having a problem with my unit its a four USB fat ps3 as pictured above. I try to play gta5 and either my hdd light becomes solid color fan picks up speed and unit freezes on load. Or it will freeze yellow hdd light but images on screen during loading keeps going but never loads. I changed hdd with two separate hdd and same problem. I can use Youtube but no games. I thought maybe take hdd out check the plug in on unit where hdd goes. Looks fine. I took top off unit cleaned out still same. So now I'm wondering since its a 2011 unit or older should I clean laser? I will have to tear down again and follow your steps above to get to it. Also I have two slims that I used there hdd to check my fat ps3 they have no power when plugged INS checking disk in separate unit is not available for me. I may just have to face facts and trash it. Buy a new ps4. But the cost…..thanks for advice if you have any. Jason B.
Sorry to add. But I also have a question on the whole erase data reload or reconfirm thing rockstar posted on there help forum. Is that honestly the only answer. I did all 12 steps they posted on turning off update and online turn off and every thing does nothing as far as improve load of game. Same problem after a good hour of deleting and redownloading for nothing to be gained. I'm an avid gta5 fan and its a stress relief. Honestly though there has to be others having problems i do.
I installed the kem 410ACA bay (not just the laser) following these steps but the drive never opens now when I play it. The main difference I noticed was that there was no A3 wire attached to this drive, yet I know this one is the recommended drive for my old fat PS3. What could I have done wrong?
Thanks so much! I replaced the entire laser deck instead of the just the laser (which I’d recommend doing). I used a ‘Phillips #0 Screwdriver’ as the ‘Phillips #00 Screwdriver’ was starting to strip the laser deck screws. Also ‘Plug A7’ was very difficult to pull out so I’d recommend using the flat little tweezers in the iFixit kit.
I have one where the A2 ribbon cable connector was ripped off the motherboard. I was wondering what the ribbon size was. I would like to try and fix it.
Fake repair. Real fault: How to Delid and fix the Yellow Light of Death for good (NEC TOKIN Replacement) https://gbatemp.net/threads/how-to-delid...
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