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Wie du deine Wahl Haarschneidemaschine säuberst und schärfst

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  1. Wie du deine Wahl Haarschneidemaschine säuberst und schärfst, Wie du deine Wahl Haarschneidemaschine säuberst und schärfst: Schritt 1, Bild 1 von 1
    • Nimm deinen Kreuzschlitz-Schraubendreher und löse die Stellschrauben, indem du sie nach links drehst. Dadurch kannst du die Klingen vom Haarschneider lösen.

    Kk, did that & my blade cane out in 2 separate pieces. How do I put back together

    Michele Sawyer - Antwort

    Took apart to clean & sharpen. Came out in 2 separate pieces, how do I put back together?

    Michele Sawyer - Antwort

    Yes, there are two blades. All the photographs show the fixed blade. The photograph in Step 2 shows the white plastic part which is where the moving blade goes. My clippers have a black part but the idea is the same. This part drives the moving blade from side to side to operate the cutters. Sharpen both blades the same way as shown for the fixed blade. The instructions don't say to wet the sharpening stone but you should do - I spit on it but you can use oil. Clean and dry the blades after sharpening. I prefer to oil them afterward re-assembling the cutters to avoid messy hands.

    See Step 7 for my comment on re-assembly - not enough room in this comment.

    Ian Downie - Antwort

  2. Wie du deine Wahl Haarschneidemaschine säuberst und schärfst: Schritt 2, Bild 1 von 1
    • Nimm eine feine Haarbürste und bürste damit über den Sockel. Dies entfernt Haarrückstände.

  3. Wie du deine Wahl Haarschneidemaschine säuberst und schärfst: Schritt 3, Bild 1 von 1
    • Lege deine Klinge in 90%igem Isopropanol ein, um eventuellen Rost zu entfernen. Die Klinge sollte mindestens 5 Minuten eingelegt sein.

    Isopropyl alcohol does NOT remove rust.

    Weirder Al - Antwort

    That's right. IPA will clean oils, dirt and germs, but not rust. In fact it can encourage rust. If you need remove rust from your clippers, use something like "Evaporust"

    Joe -

    Alcohol won't "encourage" rust, but whatever water that has adhered to it will. 🙄

    Sean Brannon - Antwort

  4. Wie du deine Wahl Haarschneidemaschine säuberst und schärfst: Schritt 4, Bild 1 von 1
    • Nimm ein flusenfreies Handtuch und trockne die Klinge ab. Während du sie abtrocknest, reibe in alle Richtungen mit leichtem Druck über die Klinge. Dies entfernt Rückstände und poliert die Klinge.

  5. Wie du deine Wahl Haarschneidemaschine säuberst und schärfst: Schritt 5, Bild 1 von 1
    • Ziehe deine Klinge nach links und rechts horizontal über einen Abziehstein. Zunächst auf der rauen Seite, um die Klinge zu schärfen, dann auf der Veredelungsseite, um die Klinge zu glätten.

    No good choice of sharpening stone. This kind of stone is too soft and too coarse even on called “fine grit” side. Softness of stone lead to distortion of flatness of the blade which is critical. Must be sharpened both blades simultaneously. Best way is to use flat (grinded by surface grinder) cast iron plate and lapping compounds 600 and 800 grit sequentially. Also could be used so called “reamer stones”, but usually they are too small to do this job.

    vladintool - Antwort

    @vladintool How do you sharpen both blades simultaneously? Leave them coupled on top of one another and sharpen like that? Or decouple and sharpen side by side?

    For anyone else wondering, a lapping compound is: a grease mix abrasive for cutting, smoothing and finishing of metal surfaces and for the precision mating of metal parts.

    CantBelieveIHadtoMakeAnAccount - Antwort

    CantBelieveIHadtoMakeAnAccount, You should not leave them coupled. Decouple them and sharpen side by side.

    Vladimir Kunin - Antwort

  6. Wie du deine Wahl Haarschneidemaschine säuberst und schärfst: Schritt 6, Bild 1 von 1
    • Wasche den Abziehstein unter fließendem Wasser ab und reibe ihn in derselben Richtung ab, in der du die Klinge geschärft hast. Das reinigt deinen Stein und entfernt Rückstände.

    Back and forth in same direction?? Contradictory instructions. You either do back and forth. Or, in same direction. Which is it?

    TT nNaples - Antwort

    Back and forth in the same direction you used to sharpen them. Meaning in a parallel direction as before. Not perpendicular. It makes perfect sense.

    Mark Martindale - Antwort

  7. Wie du deine Wahl Haarschneidemaschine säuberst und schärfst: Schritt 7, Bild 1 von 1
    • Bringe die Klingen zurück in ihre Position und setze die Einstellschrauben in die richtigen Löcher. Drehe die Schrauben mit dem Kreuzschlitz-Schraubendreher nach rechts, bis sie komplett fest angezogen sind. Stelle sicher, dass die Klingen richtig ausgerichtet sind.

    How do you align the blades? Seems like a pretty important part of the procedure.

    Robert Perry - Antwort

    Hi, I have placed it back and it makes noise, seems to be not in exact place. Any solutions? Thanks

    ניצן מנשה - Antwort

    The instructions for Step 7 are a little simplified, to say the least. Place the moving blade carefully over the plastic part with the flat side upwards, then place the fixed blade over it with the flat side downwards. Take care that the plastic part is engaged with the moving blade when tightening the screws - it's very easy for it to be dislodged. It's best to tighten the screws loosely first, tight enough to allow you to adjust the fixed blade so that the teeth of the two blades are aligned. My clippers have a lever which allows the relative position of the two blade to be changed, and I move the lever to the extreme forward position, then adjust the position of the fixed blade till the teeth are level with the teeth of the moving blade. Tighten the screws and view the blades side on to make sure the plastic part is still engaged with the moving blade - if not, loosen the screws enough so you can engage it. You shouldn't be able to see it when the screws are fully tightened.

    Ian Downie - Antwort

    Thank-you for this info. If it were not for your response Ian Downie, I would still be lost on the vague instructions given by the guide. You have no idea how much you are appreciated.

    Vickie AndTater -

  8. Wie du deine Wahl Haarschneidemaschine säuberst und schärfst: Schritt 8, Bild 1 von 1
    • Öle den Sockel der Klingen vor der ersten Benutzung ein. Klingen sollten alle 3-4 Benutzungen geölt werden.

  9. Wie du deine Wahl Haarschneidemaschine säuberst und schärfst: Schritt 9, Bild 1 von 1
    • Deine Haarschneidemaschine ist bereit zur Banutzung. Stecke sie ein und lass sie einen Moment laufen, bevor du sie das erste Mal wieder verwendest.

    Bal adhar nahi cut raha hai to kya kare

    Abdul Rahman - Antwort

    Isopropyl doesn't remove rust. It might degrease your blades, but that's all.

    Greg Hooper - Antwort


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Pasco Hernando, Team S6-G84, Prince Spring 2019 Mitglied von Pasco Hernando, Team S6-G84, Prince Spring 2019


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5 Anleitungen geschrieben

8 Kommentare

What kind of oil? wd40 ?

zoobee22 - Antwort

No. WD40 is not a lube and won't last. WD = Water Displacer.

Use mineral oil from your drug store.

Joe -

Much more easily said than done. I am extremely mechanically orientated and have tried three times to sharpen them. They are almost useless (Wahl animal Pro Series) after only two cuts.

Barry Jameson - Antwort

Barry, read my comment to the step 5 - you’ll find how to do it correct.

vladintool -

My shaver after popping the head off to clean stop cutting.what steps can I take to fix this problem?

mdearl54@yahoo.com - Antwort

How do I reassemble the clippers?

Jim Harbaugh - Antwort

Wahl CT12 5GG used once to trim my beard. Next it does not cut at all. I cleaned and oiled it. Left it few days then I hoped it will do the job,regretfully it's running fine but not cutting at all.

My daughter lost the receipt from Asda and without the receipt nothing can be done!!!!?

Mohammed el-Awdeh - Antwort

I’m terrified to do this to my clippers. I don’t want to ruin them. At the same time I still would like to be able to cut my husband’s hair for him. My biggest fear is that I will cut my husband with the clippers after sharpening them and he will bleed out 🫢😩😢

Bon - Antwort

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