Benutze diese Anleitung, um dein iPhone 6s mit Hilfe der Hardwaretasten neuzustarten, wenn der Bildschirm eingefroren sein sollte oder dein iPhone nicht mehr reagiert. Diese Methode ist sehr einfach und erfordert keine zusätzlichen Werkzeuge.
Drücke und halte die Home Taste.
Während du die Home Taste hälst, drücke und halte den An/Aus-Schalter.
Lasse beide Tasten für ungefähr 10 weitere Sekunden gedrückt, bis das Apple Logo erscheint.
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27 Kommentare
I dropped my phone in the garage it locked my screen when I turn it on it has lines across real colorful but locked I m not able to retrieve contacts or photos from it…is there any hope,? I had to purchase another phone same one iPhone 6s I really need my contacts and photos from this phone?
I just logged into this website again and saw your comment. I wonder if the iPhone still has this issue. If it does, then maybe this can solve the issue. I just realized that I watched a YouTube video yesterday and in the video he has this issue and it came out that the cable that's connected to the screen got loose and it's causing this static glitch on the screen. He fixed it by reconnecting the cable and it was able to power on properly. I hope this helps 😁. U would need to take it to a repair shop to have it checked it could be the issue.
my home button doesnt work, how do i do this without the home button?
its not working for me I been trying it and just did again any other suggestions when u have no ride