Was du brauchst
Schalte die Tastatur aus, indem du die Power Taste für mindestens 3 Sekunden drückst.
Öffne "Systemeinstellungen...", "Bluetooth"
Folge den Schritten, um deine Tastatur zu koppeln.
In my magic keyboard the tab and caps lock keys keep going on and off, randomly. I do not understand why and how to fix that. When they don't work I try resetting resetting the keyboard, but to no avail. Then suddenly they sort of wake up and work again. How's that?
Um dein Gerät wieder zusammenzubauen, folge den Schritten in umgekehrter Reihenfolge.
Um dein Gerät wieder zusammenzubauen, folge den Schritten in umgekehrter Reihenfolge.
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I bought a wireless keyboard at a flea market. When pairing I was able to enter all numbers, but the "Enter" key does not react. Is there some way to test the button?
Same for me. The problem was the enter key: there are 2 switches down the key but only the top one is pressed and this is broken. I removed the key, put a plastic spacer on the second switch and reassembled the key, all ok now.
ho provato a resettarla ma niente da fare funziona solo parzialmente .l’ho collegata all’iPad 11 pro e funziona perfettamente
How can you do that if your keyboard isn't connected?
Jo Maz - Antwort