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Einleitungsverlauf: Dell Latitude E6510 USB Ports Replacement

Bearbeitet von Diana Miranda Montano

Bearbeitung genehmigt von Diana Miranda Montano

This guide will cover how to replace the USB ports of a Dell Latitude E6510 computer. The prerequisite guide that is recommended to read before this guide will cover removing the fan from a Dell Latitude E6510.

This guide will cover how to replace the USB ports whether they are damaged or you are replacing them as a precautionary item. The product is the Dell Latitude E6510 computer.

Before using this guide make sure that the computer is powered off and that you have a clean workspace in which it is easy to keep track of all parts.

This guide requires you to know how to use a soldering iron safely as well as having a basic knowledge of how to use tools like a screwdriver.