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Einleitungsverlauf: Solved: Netgear Address Reservation - Invalid MAC Address [Workaround]

Bearbeitet von Alan Nishioka

Bearbeitung genehmigt von Alan Nishioka

Address Reservation is broken on several Netgear routers. Specifically Nighthawk R7900P with V1.4.4.94_1.3.56 firmware, but it doesn't work for other routers and firmware as well.
The problem is the front end JavaScript removes the colons from the MAC address, but the back end software requires the colons.
This guide was written for Firefox browser and the screenshots are from Firefox. Microsoft Edge works in a similar fashion.
Google Chrome requires using the console so you have to be comfortable with that. ***[Chrome only]*** label indicates the different steps required.
Apple Safari is similar to Chrome and requires using the console.