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  1. iPhone 11 Pro拆解, iPhone 11 Pro拆解: Schritt 1, Bild 1 von 1
    • 先用五角螺丝刀拆下这两个尾部螺丝。接着用热风枪沿着屏幕边缘来回均匀加热1分钟左右软化防水胶

    • 按压吸盘使其吸住屏幕。一手抓住手机,一手拉紧吸盘拉环

    • 当屏幕和后壳总成之间出现缝隙时,将塑料翘片插入到缝隙处。另外拿一个塑料翘片沿着缝隙滑动,将屏幕和后壳总成分离开来。

    • 注意:翘片不要插入过深。且要从左侧面慢慢掀起屏幕,以免损坏屏幕排线

  2. iPhone 11 Pro拆解, 电池: Schritt 2, Bild 1 von 1
    • iPhone 11 Pro相比X系列,电池容量更大。很明显可以看到,电池也更厚了。

    • 由于尾插排线上增加了一个模块。与X系列相比,iPhone 11 Pro的振子体积较小

  3. iPhone 11 Pro拆解, iPhone 11 Pro拆解: Schritt 3, Bild 1 von 1
    • 接着取下排线屏蔽罩子。

    • 接着断开电池,取下屏幕。 iPhone 11 Pro的屏幕取消了3D模组,屏幕相比之前的机型更薄。同时,底部排线邦定区域新增了铁片保护,无疑增加了屏幕维修的难度。

    • iPhone 11 Pro Face ID组件的排线没有像X系列那样压在电池下面,而是排列在电池和主板的空隙之间,拆卸更为方便。

  4. iPhone 11 Pro拆解, Face ID组件: Schritt 4, Bild 1 von 1
    • 继续断开主板上的其他排线,取出主板。

    • 取下Face ID组件。iPhone 11 Pro的Face ID组件的结构设计延用X系列,因此Face ID低修复率的问题依旧存在。

  5. iPhone 11 Pro拆解, 新增模块: Schritt 5, Bild 1 von 1
    • 拆下尾插排线上新增模块的屏蔽罩,可以看到,有四根排线扣在该模块上。

    • 一根是振子的排线,一根是电池的排线,一根是无线充电线圈的排线,还有一根是喇叭的排线。

  6. iPhone 11 Pro拆解, 总结: Schritt 6, Bild 1 von 1

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Mitglied seit: 11/17/19

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18 Anleitungen geschrieben

8 Kommentare

Are there any kits where you can replace the apple logo with a backlit apple logo?

Tyler Winters - Antwort

What do you mean by a backlit Apple logo? I know there are tricks for a glowing apple logo.

Phryne -

yes, that exactly!

Tyler Winters -

But for the iPhone 11.

Tyler Winters -

Thinking about the difference between the x and the 11, is the battery. Will a kit for the x work on the 11 or different battery connectors?

Tyler Winters - Antwort

Very suggestive! I saw someone got it worked on an iPhone X but not any tests on iPhone 11 yet. Someone out there might be working on it now.

Phryne -

The amount of watermarking is ridiculous.

Benedikt Müssig - Antwort

I just stupidly smashed my iPhone 11 Pro into a wall.

Screen is cracked and I am unable to connect to any network (that means no WIFI and no 3/4/5G). I would need to buy not only a screen, but the component which controls the network. Where is the part controlling the network connection function?

Please, if anybody can help me I appreciate it.


Nikovinic - Antwort

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