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iPhone 11 Pro Max Austausch des Logic Boards

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Mitglied seit: 10/27/19

27.610 Reputation

95 Anleitungen geschrieben

6 Kommentare

Where can I purchase a new board to do said replacement.

Isaiah Bishop - Antwort

Ebay is a great place for finding parts

Logan F -

Great video! Need mother board 256gb for 11 pro max. Thank you!

Peter G - Antwort

Hello, i need mother board 256gb for 11 pro max. Do you have for sell?

Jamila Jamal - Antwort

hello i need motherboard 128gb for 11 pro max

Cecil Ocloo - Antwort

Ebay is a great place for those. I actually have on on there for sale. Make sure to but a board that is not locked!!! Those are boards that are connected with an iCloud account and will not function on any new device.

Logan F -

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