Entferne die Rückabdeckung, um Zugang zu den Komponenten in deinem iPhones 4 zu bekommen.
Was du brauchst
Schalte dein iPhone aus, bevor du es auseinander baust.
Deine iPhone 4 Rückabdeckung ist entweder mit zwei Kreuzschlitzschrauben #000 oder Pentalobeschrauben von Apple (zweites Bild) befestigt. Schaue nach, um welche Schrauben es sich handelt, um sicher zu gehen, dass du den richtigen Schraubendreher zum Lösen hast.
Entferne die beiden 3,6 mm Pentalobe oder Kreuzschlitzschrauben #000 neben dem Dock Anschluss.
Entferne das hintere Panel von Hand vom iPhone. Verwende alternativ einen Saugheber.
Arbeite die Schritte in umgekehrter Reihenfolge ab, um dein Gerät wieder zusammenzubauen.
Arbeite die Schritte in umgekehrter Reihenfolge ab, um dein Gerät wieder zusammenzubauen.
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The replacement part for the iPhone 4 rear panel has two thin, clear overlays on the inside surface--a larger one that runs the full length, and a small one that only covers the lens. These should be removed prior to installation. Also, the first rear panel replacement I got from iFixit was not an exact fit and would not easily "click" into place. They replaced it for free and the second one clicked right in.
On step 3 when replacing the back panel with a new one, they aren't kidding about removing ALL the protective slips. There's THREE of them.
1), the obvious back slip that protects the new back.
2). the one inside the back protecting the side with the camera lens
3). the little square one OVER the lens itself.
First time I tried to reinstall my back, that tiny little square over the lens prohibited my ability to actually get the back on completely. My husband jammed it for me, but the screws still wouldn't take. It's amazing that these things are so precise that the tiny little film on the lens would make it that much tighter.
Anyways, hope that helps somebody. :)
Easiest repair I've ever done. Thanks y'all!