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SMC won't reset. Is there another way?

My MacBook won't sleep without immediately waking up, and won't shut down without immediately restarting. I can turn it off by holding down the power button, but it still turns back on when the magsafe is plugged in.

It seems like I need to reset the SMC, but when I follow the instructions to do that (turn off computer, push left shift-control-option-power) it just turns on. Is there another way to reset the SMC, or is there something that I'm missing?

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So when i tryed first option. It didnt reset. My adapter is blinking green orange. My battery can be removed but ive tried to reset smc 100 times now and to now affect


Tried countless times and finally SMC reset worked, not really sure what I did differently


I have a MAC PRO 3,1 8-Core that all USB ports stopped working, I tried the SMC reset, and it does not work, PRAM and NVRAM reset dont work since the USB ports don't work, I dont have a wireless keyboard or mouse (bluetooth), and even if I had I cant configure them since I cannot use the mouse or Keyboard. so basically stuck. Im really frustrated, could this be a logic board issue?


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Gewählte Lösung

Depends on the age of your Macbook:

Resetting the SMC on Mac portables with a battery you can remove

1. Shut down the computer.

2. Disconnect the MagSafe power adapter from the computer, if it's connected.

3. Remove the battery.

4. Press and hold the power button for 5 seconds.

5. Release the power button.

6. Reconnect the battery and MagSafe power adapter.

7. Press the power button to turn on the computer.

Resetting the SMC on portables with a battery you should not remove on your own

1. Shut down the computer.

2. Plug in the MagSafe power adapter to a power source, connecting it to the Mac if its not already connected.

3. On the built-in keyboard, '''press the (left side) Shift-Control-Option keys and the power button at the same time.

4. Release all the keys and the power button at the same time.'''

5. Press the power button to turn on the computer.

Note: The LED on the MagSafe power adapter may change states or temporarily turn off when you reset the SMC.

If this answer was helpful please remember to return and mark it Accepted.

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As I stated, this didn't work. Do you know of any alternatives, perhaps an internal button or battery I could pull?


Since you have to hit keyboard keys at the same time as the jumper you'll need help. If you connected an external USB keyboard and shorted the PWR jumper at the same time as pressing the keys that might work.


The LED on the MagSafe did not changes the color, it stays green, is the SMC then reset or Not.

I tried several time to do a clean install with an USB with El Capitan on my Macbook Pro mid 2009, but the install can't finish.


The OP already said resetting the SMC didn't work though.


As far i I can imagine, the LED in the Mega-safe is NOT an indication that the reset was complete or or not... Its just iF you have it plugged in it will change color..

Plus, its not 5 seconds ... too long since all you have to do hold these keys together. The Mac won't turn on, but if the megasafe is plugged in and not completed charging it'll change color..... If you want to use as as an guide line, go ahead, but it's certainly not required to be plugged in at all. SInce the SMC reset works regardless.


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Sure, you can trigger an SMC reset with the SmcFlasher tool.

  • Grab the appropriate SMC firmware update for your machine from Apple.
  • Locate and extract the SmcFlasher.efi from the firmware update package and tuck it somewhere on your system drive. The Pacifist tool is of great help here.
  • Next boot into an EFI shell such as the one included in the rEFInd boot manager, navigate to where you put the SmcFlasher.efi and run it with the parameters -reset 1

Let's say I put it in a folder named "smc" on the root of the system drive, I would then


cd smc

./SmcFlasher.efi -reset 1


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How to locate SmcFlasher.efi? I can´t find it with "Pacifist". Thx.


Could you explain the last step a bit more? boot into an EFI shell?


Hello royolse, when I run ./SmcFlasher.efi -reset 1 on rEFInd Shell answer is "SmcFlasher.efi is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file". Where is the problem please? Thank You very much. (Mac Pro 2013, High Sierra, SMC 2.20f18)


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Isn't unplugging the battery the same as resetting SMC?

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No not really SMC is mainly System Management Controller meaning it control's the System of the Operating System including the hardware components of said computer taking the battery out for a while just help's it re-configure it's self a little nothing more.


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I have also tried to reset as per the instructions, but when I release the option/shift RP and power button, thr machine powers up without me being able to hit power button again. it then comes up in safe mode but because the keyboard doesnt work properly i cannot input my password. any ideas??

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Was there ever a resolution for this issue?

My issue is the same as in I can shutdown my laptop off with my power chord plugged in however when I press Shift+Control+Option and the Power button all at the same time, my magsafe light doesn't change colour but instead just turns the laptop on. The issue is still apparent, being that my USB ports no longer work.

I had this issue a few weeks ago and somehow I managed to fix my ports by doing the reset. I have seen the reset work, where I have pressed the buttons, my light on my charger has flickered and then i've been able to power on my laptop and everything was working again. The problem has returned and therefore I need to reset again but struggling.

I know my SMC has not been reset as my laptop just powers back on.

Any help appreciated on how to force this. I have been trying the traditional method of holding all 4 keys and releasing for some time now and had no luck.

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Kruso, did you get yours to work? I replaced my battery on my mid-2014 MacBook pro retina display, and the computer starts up and works perfectly. The very unfortunate thing is that it is NOT charging. So I'm sitting at 23% and hoping I figure out a solution as I quickly back up everything. SMC reset doesn't seem to do anything. Thoughts?


I have exactly the same issue with a 2015 retina. Plugging in magsafe starts mac then it restarts after 5-10 seconds. Resetting smc using keyboard just restarts machine. The I'm going to open the mac and unplug the battery and see if that works but any help would be aporeciated. I been trying to get this machine working for 3 days


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Same problem here! Tried several times to reset with the Shift+Control + Option keys and Power Button.

No LED changes.

I would like to understand Royolse instructions better. Can anyone can help?

Thank you

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Royolses' instructions using rEFit to reset the SMC is no different than what you have done via holding the keys during boot up. As a reference here's the Apple T/N: Reset the System Management Controller (SMC) on your Mac. If you can get your system to boot up you could try checking your systems firmware using this Apple T/N: About EFI and SMC firmware updates for Intel-based Mac computers

I suspect you have a bigger problem here if neither of these fixes things. How about creating a fresh question with all of your systems details and a clear problem description.


Thank you Dan.

I checked the page you linked...I have the roght SMC firmware...you did a great job.

The very strange thing now it smetimes works (so screen gets darker after 1 min of inactivity and no fans crazyness...) THEN..without any reason... it stop doing it right...screen always bright.....


Are you sure your system is this series of MacBook? The older model has an inverter to power the CCF bulbs for the displays backlight Vs this model which uses LED's. It's not uncommon to have issues with the older backlight system as you have described here which is why I wanted you to create a fresh question.


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hey i changed the batery and never start again.

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Left shift +Ctrl + option + power button Immediately turn off my Mbp 2009 13. SMC used to work but now when I press those 4 buttons together, it turns off my Mbp immediately. Help!

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Also , I installed Windows 7 ultimate on my MacBook Pro 2009 13" successfully. Then I installed the updates Windows offered and it messed up my laptop. I couldn't boot up windows or Mac OS.

So I replaced the hard drive and now I get " no bootable device -- insert boot disk and press any key".

I tried inserting the gray installation disk that works with my Mbp but does not work. The keyboard doesn't work either I think because the caps lock button doesn't light up. I tried the SMC thing and it immediately turn my laptop off. Pram doesn't work . Option doesn't work C key doesn't work.

Please help me!


I fixed my Mbp last year shortly after I posted the original comment.

I replaced the entire keyboard and now all the buttons work.

I also wiped the hard drive, reinstalled Leopard then Windows 7 and everything works except when I boot to Windows, Apple software Update crashes.

Any solution to fix Apple update from crashing?


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Hi, I have a Macbook air from 2017, just got it under a month ago… I have tried resetting the SMC many times and it has successfully worked fine… although after a couple of days, it is back to normal again… I do this because the batterylife is draining a little too fast and the fan makes loud noises without having barely anything open. I was thinking if there was a way so I didn’t have to reset the SMC all the time? Thanks

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hey! I have the exact same problem now... were you able to solve it? thanks!


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If you are able, I highly recommend removing the back cover of the laptop and unplugging the laptop battery from the mother board for 5 minutes. Then perform an SMC reset with the power cord plugged in. Then reconnect the battery.

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anyone tried this ? did it work? I replaced the battery in my MBP Retina 2012. The battery drains too fast and has lost capacity. The computer refuses tossup down completely and I no longer get the charge battery screen. Otherwise all is working. SMC reset just restarts the computer.


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I have an issue thats similar with my macbook pro mid 2014 15” it does not appear to do an SMC reset. I also have sound issue where the speakers start the bong at start up but the bong then goes as if someone has muted the speaker there is nothing wrong with the speakers, they just work sometimes. However i have to use this laptop now with my 27” apple monitor. Thought it could be the mini display port or the usb socket causing the issue, but i have no idea. I also feel like apple does not help with older models. I think that the update to Big Sur had seriously screwed it, however running latest patch and it still does not work. I feel like leaving this outside , and then reporting stolen.

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I have similar problem,

Just transfer my laptop to a "new" (ebay) top case with new battery. this is the power profile data:

Charge Information:

Fully Charged: No

Charging: No

Full Charge Capacity (mAh): 9267

State of Charge (%): 36

Health Information:

Cycle Count: 7

Condition: Normal

the battery icon shows power cord connection. but says battery not charging. I have tried SMC reset and nvram reset.

My laptop is a MacBook Pro retina 15-inch late 2013.

Fan are working ok, keyboar back light ok, Light sensor and auto screen regulation ok.

Just the freaking battery not charging.

Hopefully won't have to get a new battery again... (at least were 60 bucks)

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I had a problem where battery was not detected and it was not charging as well. The backlight stopped working..I tried reseting SMC and PRAM using the key combination but it did not work. I latter opened the case on MacBook pro 13 (2015) A1502 model and unplugged the battery and charger. I pressed the power button with battery&charger unplugged for couple of seconds couple of times. The tried the key SMC reset key combination as well ( This step does not make sense but I did).

Plugged the battery and started the MacBook pro and everything started working. Battery is showing, charging and backlight working.

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