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The HTC Evo 4G LTE is an Android smartphone developed by HTC Corporation to be released exclusively by Sprint.

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How to recover (internal data from) completely dead/powerless phone?

My son dunked my Evo 4G LTE under a foot of water. It was still on, so I powered it off by holding the top button down, then dried it out in rice for several days. Plugged it in, powered it on - amazing! Looked great! Had to leave for work, by the time I arrived an hour later the phone was a brick - no power, no reset holding the top button (with or without volume up or down), when connected to a computer via USB it neither registers no demonstrates any sign of power.

My main concern is the first four months of my daughter's life in video and photo stored on the phone's internal storage (android "phone memory"). I know, I should have backed it up, but I have two in diapers so best practice sometimes falls by the wayside. I did not have automatic upload set up via dropbox or google.

The phone is under warranty, sprint offered a refurbished for $35 - so I know I can get a working phone back, but I'll gladly opt to pay for a new phone and rip this one apart to get my data back.

Questions for the pros:

1. Is there any hope of recovering the data by recovering the phone? I'm not much of a hardware hacker so this would be easiest for me.

. 1a. Could it just be the battery is trashed? Is it possible to get/replace just the battery?

. 1b. Since USB doesn't bring power, could it be part of the power "subsystem," something that I could independently replace?


2. Alternatively, does anyone out there know how to get to and read this phone's internal storage?

. 2a. Is it a card or chip that can be removed and accessed outside of a phone?

. 2b. A card or chip that I could remove an put into another Evo 4g LTE, or that I could put into a replacement "motherboard" for the same phone?

. 2c. Can I solder some wires somewhere on the phone to try to access the data from another UI (this would be running in the tall grass for me, but I'll certainly try anything)?

For any solution, links to video or written narrative / instructions would be great, but even tips in the right direction or things that have worked on other phones could be helpful.


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Bewertung 44
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future reference dont use rice or try manually tuning off the phone, just go straight for the battery and pull it out and leave it out till it is 100% fully dry and clean.


very nice 100% fully dry and clean


The possibilities to get back your daughter images, are not finished. Contact a data recovery company, who is retrieving the image data besides repair the damaged mobile phone.


i just-july 13, 2016, had this happen with my LG cell phone......i took it apart, removed ththe resultsk and , wala, it works just fine, thank you. solution: the magnetic field needed resetting ...my body electro magnetic field reset the chip's electromagnetic field. try it . you could lovvvvve ner gone),.....so, i took that outta the phone, thinking i'll just swipre across these metallic little pieces to remove any moisture, did that, put it bac white plastic chip ( square but for a little piece of a coree cover , and the battery and left all to dry out. the next day, yesterday,- after charging it all night, i restarted it, but there was zilch, nada, nothing...after looking online and using what would it take to get this running again, all my data back....i thought well, maybe there's a little moisture under that


take it apart. remove the white chip. run your bare finger over the metal plates on the back of the chip couple times. reinsert , put battery back, replace lid and retry start. worked for mine as the magnetic body needed reset, and our-your body's electromagnetic field could be plenty enuf to reset the chip's em field. mlaugh out loud simplicity.


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Gewählte Lösung

Eggs Green, you may check if you have saved it to an SD card. The slot should be at the top of the phone, you will see a notch below the power button. Insert your fingernail or a coin into that notch and pull back to remove the upper portion of the back. your SD card (if you have one) should be in there. Use an external adapter on your computer to access it. If you do not have it, and were saving to the external NAND memory, there is no way (only for the very advanced hackers ;-)) to access that. If you are adventurous enough check on here. I would try and see if the phone will give you enough life after cleaning it and seeing if you can resolve some of the water damage. Use the iPhone 3G guide from here for a general idea on how to clean it. Here is a good video that will show you how to tear down your phone. After you cleaned it, replace the battery and reevaluate. If that does not work for you, I would suggest a data recovery company to get your videos. Hope this helps, good luck.

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It has been clearly and repeatedly established that if the phone will not power up, there is no way to retrieve its data. Even "advanced hackers" can't do this.


Simply not true! Unless the phone was encrypted, for the right amount of money, the data can probably be retrieved. Law enforcement and data recovery services do this all the time. But it may cost many thousands, so you'll have to decide if it's worth it.


No you can't!!!


Have to agree with Luke. For the "right" amount of money you can get some data back. Most of us don't have that kind of money. This is about being within reason.


It is ABSOLUTELY possible to recovered data from a phone that doesn't power on. But the cheapest I've seen it done for is $400.

The way it's done is through a chip-off process. This is usually a last resort if ultrasonic/spot cleaning of the phone's internal components doesn't work. During a chip-off recovery, the phone's internal memory chip (which holds ALL the phone's data) is de-soldered from the logic board, and put in a specific reader. The data is extracted and put into a readable format. For phones where the data is encrypted (iPhones and some recent Androids), the recovery is only possible if the logic board is working too. But even if you have a bad logic board, you can still replace parts of it to get it working again. For more info, see: http://flashfixers.com/how-to-recover-ph...

That was probably more than you wanted to know. But I hope it helps someone.


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Hilfreichste Antwort

If your phone was signed into your Google account all your photos should already be backed (automatically, and for free) up to google photos. Just search for photos in the search bar and click the first link.

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Bewertung 14

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I don't have my contact list I need help


My phone is completely broken, the screen is separated from the phone...i want my photos back ! What should i do , i even dont have google photos to retrieve pics from there


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It seems possible ...

WARNING! - Refurbished only means you will get a working phone back.

Even if they guarantee to return it with your data intact, be VERY CAREFUL! they are just telephone call handlers and do not know for sure what will happen, also people do not tick all the correct boxes and others do not look at all the boxes, so you could loose out those ways!

I am very surprised that there is no information on this subject.

It must have been an issue for 1000's of people over the past few years.

My problem is that "back up has stopped", would not re-install, and I could not find out why (it said memory, but there was loads free - since found it was talking about Dalvik).

Over the weeks I built up a collection of useful information and photos which I do not want to loose.

I am assuming yours is an Android phone, but even if it's a Windows phone, the principle is still probably the same.

It appears to be possible to recover files from the internal memory of a dead phone using a PC, free software and USB cable.

The principle is start the Flashing process, BUT do not Flash the phone, because I can not be sure it would not destroy your data / files.

When at the stage to be able to Flash the phone, effectively your PC thinks it is communicating have a "USB memory device".

This is achieved by removing the phones USB driver and substituting another driver (to enable the Flashing process).

I've not had the time to spend on it that I need.

I will come back when I do finish ...

BUT do not wait for me, there seems to be too many things going wrong, and the most important get done first. Which is why I have things waiting for over 1 year now.

One problem I have is that Windows keeps throwing out the "substitution USB driver" and replacing it with the original phone USB driver.

Windows thinks the phones driver is more suitable, so automatically re-installs it.

I know the issue, I've had it several times previously with the "unknown device USB driver" (a crash causes the driver change). I just need to find the "Windows stored back up driver", delete it, then Windows will happily accept the "substitution driver".

Ahhh, the joys of owning a MS Windows computer :-(

Some usefull software names :-


Windows drivers - A25_USB_VCOM_Drivers


Some useful search terms :-



flash rom

SP Flash Tool exe v3 (not to use, but the process' before is what's wanted).

Searches with search engines (Google, Yahoo, etc.), also You Tube (I could only find Flashing, but as previously, it's the process up to the "Flashing point" that you are interested in).

Sorry it's unfinished information, but at least it gives you hope and some where to start.

Data Recovery firms will be able to recovery the data / files and some are open to "please help, I'm skint ...", by reducing their prices to a poor private person, but they will not do it for free.

So good luck to all of us.

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Bewertung 5

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Thank you very much for your long post. Definately something to try out there before sending it anywhere. Thank you


I don't think I will get this solution to work though since there seems to be no connection to my phone on the micro-USB. Nothing shows when I try to charge it, no light is turned on or anything nor when I plug into the computer and try with adb.

Do you reckon I should still try the process you described?


I got seriously lucky. A repairing company took my phone in and tested it and said it couldn't be done. It was dead.

Then an other company said - nah other companies quit too easily. Send it to us, if we can't repair it or you don't want to pay we will send it back to you for free.

An offer too good to be true it seemed.

Yet within a couple of days they told me they were now almost able to boot it but it failed just before the OS loaded.

It showed to be a heating problem.

This they solved by cooling it to -40 degree Celcius and now they were able to boot it up and recover the data. Phone was dead after that but I got what I needed - all the beautiful pictures of my baby daugther and the rest of the family.

Most excellent service. A danish company though if anyone is looking for one let me know.


I am facing same problem.could you please help me.


Hi jacob,

Please give me details....


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Read this article to get knowledge about NAND and data recovery. nut your memory module more complicated than article explained.


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Bewertung 5

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This is not about dead cell phone data recovery at all.


I have only signed up to thank you for this document. I appreciate sharing it.


That's exactly what I was looking for, thank you.


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Hi Jacob, I have found myself in the similar situation you were in. My samsung s7 bought only 6 months ago (recently found out it's not genuine but made in China) suddenly died after being stuck in a loop for a few hours then making a loud screeching noise after coming back from holiday. It doesn't come on at all or shows it's charging. Plugged into laptop nothing there either. I had really precious images on my phone which Id like back. I'm not great with all the tech stuff so I did hand it into a data recovery company, they told me they are able to get my data back from the internal chip and charged me ALOT of money but after told me they couldn't get the data, I lost 100s of pounds. I'm not sure if they even made a good attempt. I don't know what to do from here, I'm losing hope and worried who to trust. Or is it just better just to give up. The company you posted seems to be in a foreign launguage is there a way to change it to English?

Many thanks

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P.s i recently found out/told samsung s7 is encrypted therefore currently there is no way of extracting internal data from it. But my samsung was a fake which I found out recently so would there be a chance? I'm confused as so many people are saying you can scan a dead phone but I've used lots of programmes and my phone doesn't show up on the lap top. Then I got conned by a well known company, not sure if they actually made a good attempt to get my data or even tried because now thinking back he was very eager to take the payment, (my fault because I actually believed/trusted the the guy/company. This whole process is actually making me feel that pretty down. Any advice?


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It can be retrieved by removing the memory chip from the logic board of the phone. then using a memory chip socket reader and pulling the hex data off. Then it can be recovered and other data like contacts or sms can be read in sql and converted into an excel file.

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ellen_gr90 not possible on a completely dead phone with no power.

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what about a phone that has power but goes to only an overheating screen


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If your phone is damaged or some parts needs replacing then open the phone and pull it apart. Observe any burnt brown colouring and wipe it down with computer type alcohol spray or a 99% alcohol wipes that's in your medical first aid kits.

So wipe it down put it back together and cross your fingers. If this doesnt work, pull your phone carefully apart and and observe damaged cables or wet areas and even look for mould that could started to form in your phone.

Go to your tech store or go on ali express or even on ebay and order the parts you think need changing.. this shouldnt cost much so dont worry..

Hopefully when u put it back together with the new parts, it should do the trick..

Hope this helps.


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I appreciate Spyrecovery36 for making me realise the truth to a certified hacker who knows a lot about what his doing. I strongly recommend you hire him because his the best out there and always delivers. I have referred over 10 people to him and all had positive results. He can help you hack into any devices, social networks including – Facebook, Hangout, iMessages, Twitter accounts, Snap chat , Instagram, Whatsapp, wechat, text messages ,smartphones cloning ,tracking emails and also any other social media messenger or sites. It’s advisable to hire a professional hacker. Thank me later. Contact him here.spyrecovery36 @ gm ail c o m

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