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1.5 Core Solo, 1.66 or 1.83 Core Duo, or 1.83 or 2 GHz Core 2 Duo processor. This covers the first Intel-based Mac Mini models from Early 2006 to Mid 2007.

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Mac Mini is dead

I have this mac mini that died a week after applecare expired. I would like to repair it, but I do not know what should I repair. I have been told I have to replace the whole logic board which would be too expensive. But, still wondering if there is something I could do.

When plugged in, it is dead, no light, no power, no nothing. And it is not the power cable, I know that because in its time I took it to the apple store and they plugged it with a good power cable. It is just plain dead. Is the only solution to change the whole logic board? or is there something else that could be done?


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Can you describe what happened just before it died? Did you smell anything or hear any odd noises? Did you have the system plugged into a surge protector?


There is a need of more info so you can have an idea about what to check and so on!


I also have the same issue!

Came home and my Apple Mini 2011 was dead!

I tested the power cable elsewhere. Mac mini won't start up...

Occasionally turn it off when not in use.

Have a UPS (uninterruptible power supply) protecting the Mini and its components?

Had free access to room temperature air?

Did not hear its fan speed up to noisy levels while doing intense tasks

All sorts of things were connected to the USB ports on the Mini (2x external USB drives and a couple USB cables with nothing attached at other end)


P.S. paid $400 for new Board


HI did you ever solve this issue ?


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Ouch! I was hoping it just went flat dead which would imply the power supply. Using a meter you could verify this by checking the DC lines. With better detail on what happened it's clear the logic board did go on you. So doing any testing won't help.

I would first go back to an Apple Store with your paperwork showing when you bought the system hopefully you can do this ASAP.

Plead your case with as sad face you can and don't take no from the first person. Ask to speak with the support manager to see if they can still cover it under warranty as its just so close in the expiration date. If they still say no see if you can get them to cover 1/2 the cost but hold that for the last. If you have a second Apple Store near by give it a try if the first fails you.

Remember to try getting to the store early before the staff has been worn down for the best results given the season (Black Friday weekend).

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Thanks Dan, yes, with that video failure it probably is the whole logic board.


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Try this first:

1. Try resetting the SMC by unplugging the power cord, waiting 15 seconds, plugging the cord back in, waiting 5 seconds, and then pressing the power button.

If this step doesn't work, then you really need to change the logic board.

Or, if you bought the computer with an American Express, they'll double your warranty up to 5 years. My Macbook Pro just gave up the ghost and they are taking care of it. Never hurts to try!

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Good reason to have an American Express card!


I don't think resetting the SMC will help you here. As it's already been reset when you brought it to Apple (the first thing they do).

The tricky part here is you need to check the power supply sub system to see if it is powering the logic board.

Are you able to take the system apart and use a volt meter to check the DC side of the logic board? If it's getting power then you know the logic board will need to be replaced otherwise it's the power supply.


Thank you Dan. Before it died the screen turned grayscale with some pink lines. It was put to sleep, then awakened and same screen there, then it was shut down and that was it, it never came back on....dead.

So it had video failure before dieing. Is that a sign of a bad logic board? Or you think it could just be the power supply?

I appreciate you help. Thanks


I forgot, no, no smell and yes it had always been connected to a surge protector (and battery back-up), no weird sound either...


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