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The PlayStation 3 Slim is the second version of the PS3 video game console with the original model number CECH-2000. Produced by Sony Computer Entertainment it fixed many issues of the original (fat) Playstation 3. It was released on September 1, 2009.

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Why does it turn itself off erratically?

My PS3 slim randomly and very frequently shuts itself off. It won't even show it is in standby.(History about the device is that it has had 2 nasty falls from the entertainment center due to accidents. There is no external damage visible.)

At times we can get it to come on and stay on for a length of time that is random as well. Other times we can push the button 100 times and it will not come on and stay on. We have opened it and cleaned it and watched what happened when we turned it on. The fan turns on and doesn't make any strange noises or anything, but within a few seconds it shuts itself off completely again. We are getting very discouraged. We have been to several blogs and youtube videos without any real solutions. If it is the power source how do we check it out to be sure that is what it is? We don't want to try and replace functional parts and potentially cause more issues. PLEASE HELP!!!

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When I turn my slimline 160gb ps3 on within a matter of seconds it turns off but u can hear the fan spinning what will the problem be


Every time I turn off my PS3 it randomly turns back on and I don't know what the cause of it is . could anybody help me answer this question??


Did you ever find out what the actual problem was


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I had my slim acting up on me a few months back. I would be playing a game and it would just freeze up and turn itself off completely.

Have you tried to get to the reset menu? I know you're saying that the power button doesn't work all the time, but here's how. Press and hold the power button, you'll hear a beep that turns the unit on followed by another beep (which I think is the video reset) and then two quick beep beep. Let go of the power button. It'll tell you to plug your controller into the PS3 with the USB cable.

You can test with any of the options you see there. The factory reset will obviously wipe messages off your system and will make everything default again.

With my slim, the issue ended up being the hard drive. I restored the file system, rebuilt the database, and did a full system retore. Nothing worked until I ended up buying a new drive and swapping it out.

You didn't say if the system was on when it fell. My theory is that you might have a bad connection with the power button as well as a faulty hard drive. If you have a spare laptop SATA drive, I would put it into the PS3 and see if it works after formatting the drive.

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good answer~


Does it erase your save data?


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Hi, I have nearly the same issue. Turns off after hours or them mins, but never reason for time. No lights show, remove lead from back and push it back in and it turns on again. Had the PSU replaced, and formatted harddrive but still the same. So you think it could be a faulty HD, and replacing this will finally sort it?

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I once tried this and worked, but only once. So what you do is tap the power button until you see the red, then you tap the Ps3 top sort-of hard then press the power button again the second you tap the Ps3 it should turn on for an hour or so.Good luck with this, hope it works with you

Another one is trying to shake the Ps3 for 15 seconds or so, but I strongly recommend the other one this recommendation dosen't work that well, but let's just say it works good enough.

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most likely its the psu

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With me it was the trimpots (trim potentiometer), which you can google how to open up the power supply and do the simple adjustment with a philips screwdriver. It's simple, a 10 minute job. Don't worry about voiding the warranty--It's utterly worthless. To repair a PS3 worth $300 is $150 plus shipping I believe, half the cost of buying a brand new one. Since I did the adjustments I have not a single crash or random power-off. The updates fail every time, but that's Sony's incompetent or lazy software and firmware development team who don't understand the product, not a failure of the overworked Chinese worker or mis-calibrated machine that incorrectly adjusted the trimpots.

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If it's fallen a bunch of times, it may be a loose wire as well. ;-) Open it up and check the wiring!


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Yes I have had this problem before it's a pain to do what I'm gonna tell u cause u gotta get it just right u can try taking a price of paper make it kinda thick so it can push up on the board if ur looking At the board facing u looking toward the harddrive enclosure right across from that is we're u put that in there's a video on YouTube about it if u need anymore info I thought it was crazy but it worked for me and still does also u can try loosening the screws a lil bit if that don't work try step 1

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The power supply might not fix it. It could be the motherboard that is giving you the result you are experiencing.

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My ps3 keep's turning on by itself and after 10 seconds it just turns off and when it turns off it only reads me not anyone by putting my finger on it. HELP ME PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Sometimes, u just have to change the power cord. I discovered that after being scammed.

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It keep cutting off when I cleaned the fan cause we don't have the money to replace it

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