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Vierte iPhone Generation. Die Reparatur an sich ist unkompliziert, aber Frontglas und LCD müssen gemeinsam ersetzt werden. GSM mit 8, 16 oder 32 GB Kapazität, Modell A1332 in schwarz und weiß.

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How to put back on front camera retainer?

Does anyone have any advice on how best to put back on the front camera retainer in an iPhone 4 & 4S? It is quite hard to get all 3 clips engaged. I usually settle for only 2 when putting this piece back, but it makes the front camera not centered.


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I normally use a pair of tweezers. Start with the right side first, then the bottom and then the top. You have to make sure the retainer clips go on the outside of the points where they attach. But you are right, this is a very difficult thing to get back in to place. Good luck!

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I fought with this for a long time and thought I had ruined the clip. Then I stumbled upon your great description and realized I had been trying to get the clips to fit on the inside of the brackets instead of the outside! I though I had ruined the clips legs until I read your post. Thank you.

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