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A mini tablet computer designed by Blackberry and manufactured by Quanta Computer in 2011. Model number RDJ21WW.

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Battory not get charge properly and Will not boot

I Connect the USB in to the charging port , but light not get blink , so I tried all suggested methods ,

- Red light came and gone then green / yellow light came and gone ,

- The wording of " blackberry playbook " appear on LED and the boot screen of different color combinations came out ,

- But not boot up and suddenly the screen turn in to the grey ,

- Last four days same thing happen after tried all suggested methods but no luck of working in playbook ,

Please kindly help me to fix this problem ,

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It seems have the battery drained out, if you can try charge it with another charger.

Because if the charger has some problem, it isn't capable to charge the battery correctly.

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It sounds like the battery drained completely.

There is not anything wrong with the charger. If I am correct with what I have already experienced, then changing the adapter will make no difference.

With the Blackberry Playbook, if you let the battery drain too far, then it is a pain to get it going. But it IS possible.

What you need to do is put the USB charger in the Playbook and remove it a few seconds later. You will need to repeat this over and over until the Playbook has enough charge to charge normally.

This procedure can take anywhere from 10 minutes to an hour.


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while the answers above are true in most of these situations, the pb is notorious for connector/io failure (see the official blackberry forums) http://supportforums.blackberry.com/t5/B...

warning it's a 84 page thread atm..

RTM is your only solution in this case

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There are 2 possible problems. The first is that someone tried to plug in the USB charger improperly and bent the little metal tab in the playbook and though the USB charger is going into the port it is not properly connected and is not charging. Look at it closely and if the tab is bent downward, take a little piece of plastic and pry it straight, then plug the USB charger in.

The other problem is the Playbook gets too low on power and will not take a charge. The playbook charging circuit is software controlled. If the power is too low the software won't run to charge the playbook, When you first plug a charger into a Playbook it takes a charge for about 10-15 seconds then shuts down expecting the Playbook software to take over the charging process. It the Playbook power is too low, it can't run the software. The solution is to "stack" charge it. The is the process of stacking a bunch of little 10 second charges together to get enough power for the Playbook to run the charging circuit software. To do this, plug your USB charger into the Playbook making sure it is properly aligned. Then at the wall outlet, plug in for 10-15 seconds, unplug, plug in for 10-15 seconds, unplug, and keep repeating the process for 50-100 times until you have "stacked" up enough power for the Playbook to charge itself.

Good Luck

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hello my friend thanks for advice but i already tried everything but nothing happen plz is there any other way to solve this problem :-(

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i am facing the same problem. someone please help with a solution.

on switching on or connecting to charger or laptop, there is red light, then playbook logo then the colorful bubbles flashing then it goes off!

Same happens even after updating using desktop software,

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me to !!!!!!!!



....HELP !


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I have tried all the afore mentioned potential solutions to recharge my BBPB. The only solution that worked for my BBPB was to get the BBPB Rapid charge adapter. It is the one with the magnet connector. Turn the BBPB Off. Connect the Rapdid charge cable for about 20 seconds. Disconnect. Count about 10 seconds. Repeat the previous steps until the battery symbol that should be displayed on screen indicates it is increasing and starting to charge at a higher level than where the battery charge was stuck at. Mine was stuck at 5% which was too low for the BBPB to be able to download the BBPB udate software which should fix the battery charging issue. My BBPB required a minimum 21% charge. When it reached this level the BBPB software popped up indicating there was sufficient charge to begin the software update. I selected No and allowed the Rapid charge to complete to 100% which took about 30-60 minutes. Then I started the BBPB and went into Settings and started the software update process. It completed successfully and restared on its own successfully. I haven't had to use the Rapid charger since. The regular trickle charge mini wall plug adapter has worked perfectly everytime. If you don't have the Rapid charger in your BBPB kit you can buy online either at BB or Amazon etc for about $25. Keep in mind if the batteries in the BBPB (there are 2 large gelpaks)are damaged no amount of recharging will fix the problem.

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