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The Canon PowerShot is a 5.0 megapixel camera with 4x opitical zoom.

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Zoom button does not self-center

My daughter dropped my A610 camera on the ground; minor aesthetical damages, but the zoom button is now a little hard to operate and when released, does not come back to center by itself anymore.

I dismantled the whole thing following the instructions to fix the speaker (outstanding instruction btw) hoping to find something fixable around the zoom button. When reaching step #9 a small coil spring (about 5mm or 3/16th of an inch in length) came loose falling on the table, and I couldn't see where it was coming from.

I was thinking that it might come from underneath the zoom button, I dismantled that bit but couldn't figure if it was coming from there. I also thought that it might be coming from the zoom potentiometer (or switch maybe?) fitted on the flexible PCB, but that potentiometer does not look damaged and is self-centering when I play with it with tweezers.

So long story short, I reassembled the camera without the spring, the zoom button is still hard to operate and does not re-center itself, and in bonus I'm left with that spring, not knowing what to do with it.

Any thought?

Marc B.

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Hi Marc,

Take a look at this parts catalog of a PowerShot A620/A610. Pages 1, 4, or 5 might help you to find the place for that spring you are mentioning.

The issue with the zoom button might be related to the guide/guideway of the button. Maybe some of the plastic around the button was crushed a bit through the fall and is now hindering the button to find its way back to the end/released position.


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Thanks for the hints, I think you are right on both counts, first: the plastic is indeed just a tiny little bit warped around the zoom button, preventing it to move freely. The trick to solve the problem was to loosen by about a quarter of a turn one of the three 6 mm screw holding the bottom of the battery compartment.

Second: the spring is not coming from the zoom button assembly, but from what I can read in the parts catalog it is "most probably" Item 9 of page 4, that is: a small spring used to ground the lens assembly to the body of the camera. There a video on YouTube that show how to totally dismantle the camera, honestly the steps required to reach that spring are a little beyond my patience, as the camera now work perfectly I will leave that spring out.

Many thanks for you help,

Marc B.


Hi Marc, thank you for your feedback. I am happy for you and am glad I could help. Steffen


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No, that sping is not used for that. I have the same problem and I suspect that I need to add the spring to a specific location in order to have feedback from the zoom button.

Does ANYONE have a picture/guide on how we should assembly that area?

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