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Modell A1051 / 4 oder 6 GB Festplatte

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iPod mini making clicking sound, won't boot up?

My iPod Mini comes on and shows an Apple symbol. After about 10 seconds or so, it gives the Apple web site address. Also, it displays a symbol of the drive with a line through it.

The iPod Mini is charged and battery is OK. When turned on it also makes a clicking sound similar to when a hard drive is failing.

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Just get a Compact flash card and call it a day. You can't buy new MicroDrives, and a CF card would make this more stable and load faster in baby situations. Any reasonably large card (8GB+) will usually work, although you may need to do some research to be sure first.

Once the card is installed, you will need to restore the iPod in Disk Mode. To do this, hold the center button and the play/pause together until it's in Disk Mode. Restore it in iTunes when this is done.

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Thats your problem. The MicroDrive has failed. If you can get hold of one yourself, you could swap them out. If not, a repair company, such as www.dr-pod.com could repair it for you.


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