htc one got wet how can I fix it
my htc one got wet how can i fix it to work i need help please
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my htc one got wet how can i fix it to work i need help please
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Does the phone still turn on at all/show any signs of life? And also what liquid was spilled onto it? We need more info!!
Anyway, the best thing to do is remove the casing so the phone's logic board is exposed (This isn't needed so don't do so if you aren't confident but it speeds up the process). And then put the phone in a bag of rice ensuring the whole phone is covered (The rice absorbs moisture) and leave it on a windowsill in the bag of rice for a few days to a few weeks depending upon how bad the water damage was.
Please note: If you disassemble the phone ensure all electrical parts are placed in the bag as all of them could've been damaged.
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so I keep seeing disassemble it, but the question then become how do you do that without destroying the phone?
I would watch carefully a couple YouTube videos showing someone else remove the board, first. You may find a custom screw mat or organizing tray (made for HTC One) very helpful. If there aren't many screws you can just draw a template with screw locations and lay down something sticky to locate each screw and prevent any from getting lost.
alicia, please remember that rice is a great first aid, but it does not stop corrosion nor does it fix any burned out SMD components. Do not waste valuable time to place your phone in rice and wait even longer. I strongly suggest that you disassemble your phone and clean every part with 90%+ isopropyl alcohol. Use a small brush to do so and do not forget to clean under all the EMI shields etc. Once cleaned (you may have to do it a couple of times) reassemble your phone, replace the battery and re-evaluate. Hope this helps, good luck.
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i pray to god that this rice thing works i have been through many phones over the years god please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please let it work
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Pleease tell me it worked .. im going crazy here
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