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iPod touch logic board in iPhone 3G?

I have a gutted 8gb iPhone 3G that is not functional. I have a 8gb iPod touch 2nd gen logic board can I install it in the phone and have it work? (without phone function and assuming I install it correctly, of course.)

Is there maybe the possibility to connect the microphone?

Are there any hardware concerns that might not work properly with an iPod Touch 2nd gen logic board?


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I'm going to go with a no. The iPod Touch is slightly smaller than the iPhone so I think that the logic board wouldn't fit. As for the microphone, probably not, BUT if you have like a headset and earbud combo, like the ones that come with blackberry's, you can use that with the iPod Touch, and even make free calls with many of the free or paid for apps. I use Truphone and it works pretty well.

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No way, the iPhone and iPod touch have different operating systems. Unless if you can reprogram everything somehow don't even try.


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he wants to use the iPhone as a shell for the iPod


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