flashing, like microwaving a metal object
ge browning microwave, model JES1384SF001
flashing inside microwave, just like having a metallic object in oven. thanks ray
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ge browning microwave, model JES1384SF001
flashing inside microwave, just like having a metallic object in oven. thanks ray
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My microwave also started doing this, and simply cleaning the waveguide cover took care of the problem. In my microwave, the waveguide cover is on the inside of the microwave, high on the side wall. It's about the size of a playing card, made of plastic or fiberboard. I removed mine for cleaning, but that wasn't necessary. Simply keeping the inside of your microwave clean may solve this problem.
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I would just like to thank RoggeSound for his thorough answer-- it cleared the issue right up. I wonder if anyone knows how long a microwave should be kept? Until it breaks down?...or?
I've had mine a long time-- it's a Goldstar.
Thanks you very much. I'll tell you, my parents still have and use their first microwave. The light on the inside is out and the clock no longer works, but it still cooks food the way it's supposed to. It's from before there were turntables in microwaves. I'd say you should keep your microwave or any appliance until it can no longer be repaired effectively. Then take it apart and find a way to use the parts.
Thanks again-- I appreciate hearing that. It's great that people get online and help each other like this. Recently read an article about how people are losing a sense of community due to the way people are isolated from eachother by schedules and economic hardship. The conclusion of the article was that a sense of community needed to be built back into our lives, based on the way we need to live now. An online forum is a step, certainly. Now, of course, local communities need to create ways for people to get together--farmer's markets, or maybe "fix-it" fairs!
Hope you and yours are doing well...
Thank you, thank you, thank you for this information, RoggeSound. You kept a perfectly good microwave out of the landfill and saved my family a 100 bucks at a time when we really need it. I removed the waveguide cover and found a piece of debris behind it. Whatever it was was welded to the cover. I scraped off the debris, installed the wavecover and it is working again!
THANK YOU!!!!! Oh my gosh I was so scared that I had just destroyed my parent's microwave.
Try to find where the arcing is coming from by viewing th e inside of the oven "cavity" while the problem is happening. You can safely run a microwave oven with a container of water inside (something like a margerine container for example). The arcing usually indicates that a component is breaking down and carbonizing, therefore becoming conductive and sparking while the oven is on.
It is common for the "waveguide cover" to do this. The problem is caused initially by food debris, etc. becoming stuck in the crevices of the cavity and then becoming conductive. When you locate what is arcing, you will know what component needs to be replaced. Jim
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owners Manuel does not address problem Emerson mwg9115sb had sears kenmore 2800 watt circa 1986 it did have parts Manuel included
microwaves are not my playground but i think you should read the microwave troubleshooting
one question to clarify this a little bit
do you mean inside the chamber or inside the back of the microwave?
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+ Research Ralph
I just want you to understand the risk involved with tinkering with a microwave, from the microwave troubleshooting:
"Careless troubleshooting of a microwave oven can result in death or worse. Experienced technicians have met their maker as a result of a momentary lapse of judgement while testing an oven with the cover removed. Microwave ovens are without a doubt, the most deadly type of consumer electronic equipment in wide spread use.
Please be very careful if you remove any covers.
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The guy that said microwave ovens are with out a doubt the most dangerous electronics out there?? First you don't know what the *** your talking about, second nobody has ever and I mean ever died from a unplugged micro oven third you said that you could suffer from death or worse?? What the heck could be worse I'd like to know??? I personally have been zapped at least 8 times in my career as a full line technician by forgetting to discharge the capacitor, and I'm still here!! only an idiot would stick their hand in to a live running microwave, so I suggest you learn a bit more about how electricity works, now for the more dangerous electronic device to work on is an old TV even unplugged they can hold up to if not a little bit more, 25,000 DC volts and I know a couple of TV repairmen that swear they will not work on one again unless they discharge the high voltage, I on the other hand learned about microwaves with experience still never killed me just makes your arm sore for a couple of hours is all.
My husband took off the metal plate in the microwave oven because it was arcing. He never replaced it and I found out my kids have been using it. I am livid. Did they get exposed to radiation? Who do I call? What do I do? We are renting and the property managment was supposed to replace it. Apparently my kids misunderstood my husband cause he said to NOT use it. I'm scared to death. Lori
I'm suggesting that the user keep his/her hands in their pockets during the analysis phase. Make sure that the power is disconnected and the high voltage cap is discharged before doing any disassembly or replacement! Under those conditions, a microwave oven is completely safe to work on. I mean, after almost 40 years in the business, I'm still here!! JIm
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Hey I completely agree with you Jim, I learned how to repair them back when they had knobs to turn the timer on, as a matter of fact the Minneapolis votech asked me to come and teach a class on them, which led to being a judge in the vica awards for the best tech that came out of the appliance class, I had put a lot of myths to rest, I'm telling you some of these repair men that give advice in this category really need to go back to school, if they ever went that is.
I removed the waveguide cover from my Sharp Microwave as suggested and found carbonized material on the surface that faces away from the oven cavity. It was somewhat baked on so I cleaned it, first with a wet cloth, and then scoured it with an abrasive sponge.
When I reinstalled the cover and tried using the oven the problem was completely resolved. Thanks for this information.
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I removed the said light filter type card and the microwave oven is working again i shall replace the cover before future use though
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This happened to me with a metal mug and it sparked and I took it out In literally half a second and it works fine but the microwave kinda smells should I be worried about it when making my food encase it poisons it some how
I had this issued with flashing light along without heating up anything inside of the microwave. The reaction would occur in less than 30 seconds and I prayed to Jesus and found this response.
Thank you for taking time to write this answer. I wiped the card inside with metal scouring applying dish soap. Some of the card flaked off being pretty fragile and placed it back in the microwave. I once again prayed turning on the microwave to find that the cup of water did heat up in 30 seconds without any flashing light or power interruption inside the unit. Now it is back to normal.
Thanks again:)
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cooking some popcorn and then when I looked her I saw lightning bolt oil light comes from the side of the microwave so I open it quickly and then I see a cardboard I don’t know if I have to remove it or leave it soo idk 🤷♀️
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I suspect that what you think is cardboard is probably the waveguide cover. These are usually a special composite insulation material. Do not remove it! They quite often get dirty with splashes during cooking and if the debris becomes conductive you can get lightning. Solutions are to try cleaning VERY CAREFULLY because it's fragile or to replace the part. In some cases, you can buy a sheet of waveguide material and cut your own part.
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3 Kommentare
I have a Rival 900 watt microwave. I just cleaned it out with a wet sponge and when I turned it on to see how it works, the light started to flicker and a loud buzzing noise sounded. Is there any way to fix this? What can I do?
von Samantha Blevins
Yo u can put microwaves here that’s sick
von SweatyBot Girl
I hope people are still responding to this thread…
I just bought a brand new Panasonic microwave and went to heat up some left over veggies and ham for my son for dinner and the food sparked and one piece even caught a small flame. I unplugged everything and tried to trouble shoot with my husband. I didn’t miss any part of the set up process or forgot to remove any of the packaging. There wasn’t anything weird or metal based in with the food (no foil was used in making the ham earlier etc). Would it still be the waveguide causing this problem if the microwave has never been used? I am hesitant to remove it in case it messes up my chances of returning the microwave if I tinkered with it (I just bought it today).
von Liz Fre