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Modell A1051 / 4 oder 6 GB Festplatte

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headphone jack on logic board broken

I shomehow broke the headphone jack on the logicboard on my iPod mini 2nd gen. Is there a way to soilder it back on..?

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maybe - where did what get broke ?

if the connector on the logic board fell off - then maybe

if the headphone jack has gotten defective on is little board - sure, can be replaced

so give us a few more informations about the defect and we'll find a solution

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The headphone jack is a modular part, so you can easily replace it with this part.

Also, check to make sure that the connector is seated correctly on the board. If the connector itself is broken, then it may be possible to solder it back on if you're careful.

Replace a dirty, corroded, or damaged headphone jack for an iPod mini. Bild


iPod mini Headphone Jack


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