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Repair guides and support for small electric personal space heaters.

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Why is my eden pure blowing barely warm air?

I have a eden pure 1000xl heater. It is blowing out air and working well but the air is only about 75 degrees.

I can see the light is on but it is not very bright in comparison to my other eden pure heater. Is this a bulb issue? I am extremely handy but before opening the box I am looking for knowledge. The unit was manufactured in 0907.

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How to know if bulb is bad


My eden pure was only blowing cold air...so i bought all new tubes and put in it but it's still only blowing sorta warm air? I don't know what to do please help!


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The element is most likely burnt out. Here's a video on repairing it: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tSTHbLrUp...

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If your EdenPURE 1000 XL is only blowing warm air, that is certainly a sign that one or more heating element bulbs need replacing. You can watch a video on this page that provides a step by step guide on replacement the heating elements in your heater. It’s very well done and the individual who provides the demonstration is an authorized edenpure parts dealer.

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Not only is it blowing warm air, but the fan speed is slower than usual as well. Is this still a heating element issue?


I have the same issue as Robert S. How can I fix this?


My blows cold air on one side and warm on the other side is that the way it should work or not


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My Edenpure is making a high pitched whistling sound and after about 20 minutes, it cuts off. One time it kicked a breaker. What's up? What should I do?

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If you're edenng pure heater is making a high-pitched whistling noise after about 20 minutes it sounds like the bearings on the fan are out, causing the motor to trip the breaker. Replace the fan.


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