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The Samsung Galaxy Ace is a low-end, slate-format Android device released by Samsung on February 2011. Identifiable by model numbers GT-S5830(i, B, C, L).

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Why isnt my phone turning on

phone not turning on after battery died i have fully and still wont turn on need major help ASAP

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I had the same problem. I can't turn on my phone after I did open it. can you people help me??


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3 Antworten

Not sure how you can tell the battery is charged if you can't turn the phone on. Are you holding the power button down for at least 3 seconds? (Probably want to try this with the phone power cord plugged in, in case the batter is fried)

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My phone has been doing it and frankly the best idea is to just get a new one if you are able, these phones are more trouble than they are worth

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turn your phone with power supply and see it's turn on your phone?

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