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Reparaturanleitungen für Nvidia Shield Konsolen

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Broken Micro usb port

How would some one go about fixing the micro usb port that has broken, it has become separated from the motherboard of the device and might have to be soldiered back on

Diese Frage beantworten Ich habe das gleiche Problem

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Brendan, where are you with your repair? Have you had a chance to take the device apart? Do you have to tools and know how to solder?


look you have a broken micro is already broken couse i have one of does and i tuked were i bouthed they say is broken we cannot fix it


Hi everyone I have same problem and I’m trying to fix it by myself

How do i get a micro usb motherboard schematic

Thank you


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2 Antworten

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The part appears to be the hirose connector ZX62R-AB-5P.

Micro-B Reverse (top-mount) shell SMT

This is not a trivial replacement. At least for me, the solder between the metal shield of the micro USB connector and the PCB has caused some of the circuit tracing of the USB to peal off. I am not sure if this will limit the current carrying capacity of the connector. Also, there is no way to directly solder the pads under the micro USB. You can solder the 5 pins, the 4 PCB punch through points, but not the larger ground pads under the USB connector - the ones that have partially pealed free.

Connecting a cable directly or replacing the motherboard might be the two realistic options.

You can see the broken loose 5 finger pins, the 4 mounting holes, and the two solder down pans in the picture below. If you look at the connector, you can see the two partial copper pads. These are torn loose from the motherboard. Hence the connection can not be reliably reestablished.

Block Image

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5 Kommentare:

How do u fix that it

happen to my shield


exactly what happened to ours as well


mine is same problem


there is a company up there that fix it, email is below:



same happen to mine, where to find this part, please answer guys


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Go to nvidia and ask for a replacement motherboard or if they say they can't help open it up and sacrifice an extra long micro USB cable and cut the micro USB plug off the cable and solder the wires attached to the normal USB plug to the motherboard and use a USB pinout to figure out where to solder each wire on the motherboard.

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+that's an idea. But why not just take it apart and replace the micro USB port. Check with Mouser or Digikey and replace the port properly.


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