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A water-resistant fitness tracking wristband by Fitbit, released May 2013.

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Battery in fitbit flex

Does the fitbit flex battery ever need to be replaced?

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I have had my Fitbit about 6 months and it will not light up? What do I need to do??

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I charged mine last night. green light was FLASHING from back. Now there is no display!


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Check my comment on the teardown… Fitbit Flex Teardown

I think you can find a suitable 031012 battery if you look around & are willing to try dismantling it (which may destroy it).

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So far no however the amount of sweat and gunk is awful. I clean my band every other day and clean the contacts carefully every few weeks.

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Yes! I have had mine for about 19 months now and it only holds a charge for two days. Have not yet found out how to get the battery replaced.

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==I have had my fitbit flex since Christmas eve and it takes hours to charge and wont hold a charge for even two days! Fitbit is going to get an angry e-mail shortly! ==

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My flex is fully charged , all the lights are flashing but the screen on my iPad does not show any life. Have cleaned the terminals .

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does battery ever need to be replaced ?

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Yes... but Fitbit have made sure it is not possible. The Fitbit flex is basically a disposable item. Once the battery has died (mine lasted 31 months) it is time to bin it and try another brand.


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The time on my FitBit won’t adjust to the proper time… How can I fix it?

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