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Angekündigt am 22. Oktober und erschienen am 13. November 2013. Das iPad mini 2 bringt die Pixelanzahl des iPad Air auf nur 7,9 Zoll unter.

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Screen digitizer replacement interchangeability


I was wondering if the screen digitizer replacement for the ipad mini 1st gen could be used as a replacement for the newer ipad mini Retina, would it work, are the digitizers interchangeable between the two generations? If not, is ifixit going to start selling an ipad mini retina replacement soon?


Part in question:

iPad Mini (1st Gen/Retina) Front Panel Digitizer Assembly

Product code: IF122-001-1

Apple Part #: 820-3291-A, 820-3291

Replace a screen digitizer compatible with the 1st or 2nd gen iPad mini models A1432, A1454, A1455, A1489, A1490. Part #820-3291-A, 821-3291. Home Button and Digitizer Cable included. Bild


iPad mini 1/2 Screen Digitizer


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Altought I had bad screens with pins inside the connectors which damaged the connector/port on the ipad mini


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It is exactly the same! The dual broadcom chips as well as the connector, as well as even Apple's own part number on the IC chip is the same. So yes, you can interchange between the 1st and 2nd gen mini.

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just checked my parts and all them are the same on all ipad mini's. the only difference will be the ending letter of the part number, most likely suggesting a different rev type. as if apple updated the design inside the IC but works the exact same. dont take what i say as straight facts. can anyone else better clarify this?


Except for one GIANT problem. The connectors for the iPad mini 1 and the iPad mini 2 are on opposite ends of the LCD, therefore they are not interchangeable.


Tom - I am not sure what you're even referring to. However, it has been shown that they are compatible. The DIGITIZER on each are interchangeable. The LCD is not. They are two distinctly different parts, LCD and digitizer.


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Yes, the digitizer are the same for both iPad Mini models.

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Yes, they are the same and compatible. Both the digitizer and IC Chip are the same. Don't worry the models, they are all compatible.

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I just tryied to intercharge digitizers between ipad mini and ipad mini retina. Models A1490, A1455. These are not compatible. Each other is not working in other model, but when returned to its original ipad mini, it works. Even home button is non responsive. Connector and dimensions are the same, but it just not work.

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I have a newer generation Ipad mini 2, purchased in 2015. Could I use an older model replacement digitized with the button already soldered?

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Slight expansion of the interchangeability question, I have an Ipad air first gen with cracked glass, any chance that a regular Ipad glass/digitizer would fit on this puppy?

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IMHO nope. These are different at least in dimensions AFAIK.


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