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iPad Mini mit 7,9 Zoll Display und 16, 32 oder 64 GB Speicherkapazität.

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Nylon or fabric tape used between digitizer and lcd.

I bought a used iPad mini to repair. It doesn't have the fabric or nylon (?) tape that would be removed and used on my new lcd screen. Where can you purchase this type of tape? The new digitizer doesn't have tape near home button either. Please help!

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Thanks but that's not what I'm looking for. This tape I'm looking for sticks to the lcd. Is kinda like fabric tape and there are 2 original strips on the lcd. The mini I bought didn't have lcd with it. It's about 1/4" wide and there are 2 pieces stuck to the lcd screen. Basically, I need a new lcd screen and digitizer. The aftermarket screens do not come with the tape.


Google it: "Kapton B" It is made by DuPont, and used in every Apple product.


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Here's a link where you can purchase the tape. Keep in mind, I currently live in Japan and use the UK amazon site, if you would like to do your own search, the tape can be defined as: Digitizer Frame Adhesive Strips Sticker hope this helps!


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Do you know of any stronger tape? I've used this on repairs and am always quite nervous because it's very noticabeley weaker than the original


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I think you mean the cloth tape that you need to transfer from the original to the new digitizer home flex in order to prevent digitizer ghosting.....not an ipad mini screen intall frame adhesive sticker.

I just use kapton tape to prevent digitizer ghosting---works great, no problems.


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yes, those two pieces of tape are not important---I make a point to remove them for best fit of any mini that I repair. The 4 corner screws secure the LCD.


Thanks for helping me out. That's exactly the pieces of tape I was talking about. What about those 2 skinny pieces that are on the original LCD screen? Not sure what they're called. Do they really need to be put back? Any help is appreciated. Just getting started with the mini ipad.


The little rolls? They can stay or go--some people always leave them off since there is one report that this was one way to solve a ghosting problem. Test dry fit your mini screen and press down on it firmly as if you were pressing it into the final adhesive tape. If you see any contact between the LCD and glass---looks like a drop of water----then you may need the little tape roll or similar for a spacer. If you don't have them, then don't worry about it. They really aren't essential for a quality finish.


Thanks. You've been a great help.


I'm getting the water mark on the middle of an ipad mini 2nd gen. Where can I find that spacer tape? I took off the metal plate and it helped a little but I really want to do it right.


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