White Screen, nothing else
Just got an old Macbook Pro from a friend which stated the screen was all white and nothing else but the chime.
Verified the white screen and nothing else but that. Tried to clear with CMD+P+R but didn't help, still only the chime (once) and randomly turning off the computer.
Opened it up, checked cables and everything looked OK.
Tried booting it up without the battery - the backlight on the keyboard started working, but nothing else.
Replaced the RAM-modules (2x2GB) with 2x4GB, same with the old harddrive, replaced it with a Samsung EVO 840 120GB.
Nothing...but the white screen.
Plugged in the Mavericks USB install whilst having the harddrive unplugged...after about 30-40 seconds I heard a voice which was familiar from the installation guide.
But the screen is still all white.
Any ideas why this is - and how to resolve it?
Ist dies eine gute Frage?