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Modell von 2011, A1278 / 2,3 GHz i5 oder 2,7 GHz i7 Prozessor

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White Screen, nothing else

Just got an old Macbook Pro from a friend which stated the screen was all white and nothing else but the chime.

Verified the white screen and nothing else but that. Tried to clear with CMD+P+R but didn't help, still only the chime (once) and randomly turning off the computer.

Opened it up, checked cables and everything looked OK.

Tried booting it up without the battery - the backlight on the keyboard started working, but nothing else.

Replaced the RAM-modules (2x2GB) with 2x4GB, same with the old harddrive, replaced it with a Samsung EVO 840 120GB.

Nothing...but the white screen.

Plugged in the Mavericks USB install whilst having the harddrive unplugged...after about 30-40 seconds I heard a voice which was familiar from the installation guide.

But the screen is still all white.

Any ideas why this is - and how to resolve it?



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A white screen usually indicates a hard drive issue. I don't know what was on the Samsung drive. The first thing I would do is replace the Hard Drive/ IR cable with a new one.

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The original drive which was installed when I got the Macbook, is an old Hitachi 320GB drive (manufacted february 2011).

Could a faulty HDD/IR cable really cause my problem? Seems kinda far fetched. :)


That's why I'm the Mac Professional and you're not. I now keep 6 of these in stock as the problem is so prevalent. See this question: Using new hard drive cable in older machines 821-1480-A


How can I see what kind of cable I need? I only have these numbers... Model NO: A1278 Serial NO: C2VFD1M4DH2G


Apple MacBook Pro "Core i5" 2.3 13" Early 2011 Specs

Identifiers: Early 2011 13" - MC700LL/A - MacBookPro8,1 - A1278 - 2419* Hard Drive cable part#Apple Part #: 922-9771, 821-1226-A

MacBook Pro 13" Unibody (Early 2011-Late 2011) Hard Drive Cable A bad cable can destroy the hard drive also.


Thanks alot for your help, I think I'll order one and see how it goes. But, I can't imagine a simple HDD cable can turn the screen white and make the computer turn off randomly...it just doesn't make sense.


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its an hdd problem and an ir problem fredrik it was 2011 when made don't u see?

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How can I see what kind of cable I need? I only have these numbers...

Model NO: A1278

Serial NO: C2VFD1M4DH2G


fredrik model number dont count these days now its searial number plese give serial number then i can tell u wat the problem is.


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