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Repair and troubleshooting information for the HP Pavilion dv6000, an HP laptop part of the HP Pavilion series. Released in April 2007.

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Upgradable RAM and capacity

I've got this laptop and I've been looking around and have found guides to upgrade the ram from 1GB to 2 but I don't understand the guide I saw on this site. Do I need to buy 2 of the chips? And are the chips already in there 500mb each? Please explain!

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Otto, not sure what memory modules you have in your computer, but yes most likely you have 2 500mB Ram to make up 1GB. To get it to 2GB you will have to replace both of your modules with a 1GB module each; buy two modules to replace your two. The modules itself depend on your processor:

Here are part numbers for the memory modules

For use only with computer models using Intel processors:

1024-MB 434742-001

512-MB 434741-001

256-MB 434740-001

For use only with computer models using AMD processors:

1024-MB 431403-001

512-MB 431402-001

256-MB 431401-001

Hope this helps, good luck.

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