MacBook Pro on iTunes 11.3 does not recognize iPod

I am having this same issue now. My Mac (2012 13." Macbook Pro on iTunes 11.3) would not recognize the iPod. Occasionally it mount for less than a second. It was formatted for windows. I read online if you could catch it while it was mounted that you could reformat it to Mac Journalled and iTunes would do the rest. Unfortunately like the gentleman above it did not work. I am stuck with an iPod without an operating system and it boots from apple logo to folder with explanation point in a triangle.

I have tried all the restore settings and diagnostics possible. The computer now recognizes but iTunes still does not.

Does anyone know how to restore the iPod so that it has an operating system again and will be able to boot and play music?

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Have you considered an old version of iTunes just to see if it makes a difference?


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