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Das Apple iPhone 5s wurde am 10. September 2013 angekündigt. Die Reparatur dieses Geräts ist ähnlich wie bei den Vorgängermodellen und erfordert Schraubendreher und Hebelwerkzeuge. Verfügbar mit GSM oder CDMA mit 16, 32 oder 64 GB in silber, gold und space grau.

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Battery scratched during repair: still safe?

Hello, I'm in the middle of a screen repair for my iPhone 5s and inadvertently scratched the surface of the battery with my fingernail.

I know it sounds trivial but I know these batteries can be explosive if not handled properly and it does say to avoid puncturing it on the battery itself. It hasn't been punctured, and nothing is showing, just a small groove in the battery cover now.

Should I be worried? Thanks in advance.

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it's ok as long as there is no leak in the cover material. leaks will cause severe battery degradation caused by oxygen entering the cell.

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Thanks, that was the case. Finished the repair and all went well!


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