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The Canon EOS Rebel T2i is a continuation of Canon's entry-level line of DSLR cameras, the Rebel series. The Rebel T2i is also known as the 550D and the Kiss X4.

20 Fragen Alle anzeigen

How to replace shutter mechanism.

I have the replacement part but no instructions on how to dismantle, set the mechanism, calibrate(if necessary) and reassemble. Have many accessories for camera and would like to keep. Also I have the tools to do the work as I work on old mechanical cameras.

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Hi Dave,

Here is an interesting guide which might be helpful.


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2 Kommentare:

Excellent guide! I will buy a spare shutter for my second hand 30D


Thank you, Just receive answer today(10/14/14) looking forward to getting started. Will let you know how it goes.



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