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Dieses Android Smartphone kam am 18. Juni 2013 heraus und verfügt über einen dualen Sim-Korten Support, ein 4,7" 720p Display, einen Quad-Core Prozessor und eine 2 GB RAM.

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Why won't my phone connect to the internet?

For the past few days, my phone has been unable to connect to the internet. My phone is not on airplane mode, so I know that is not the problem. It has never done this before, please help!

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this is suresh from india. 1 month back i can change my software but its fail. after that my phone has been unable to connect to the internet. My phone is not on airplane mode, so I know that is not the problem. It has never done this before, please help!


my phone is not a airplane mode


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Your phone might be set on Airplane Mode, you might be in an area with no cellular service and/or wifi, or it very well could be due to faulty internal wiring. Check the troubleshooting guide if you want a more detailed solution.

Troubleshooting guide:


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Am not on a plane, not living in a basement.


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Hi. I've recently faced the issue too. My cell phone has been giving me the following message:

"No internet connections. Please try later." And not matter how many times I've tried it just would NOT work. Moreover, I cannot send emails messages and nor can I receive them. One thing I can tell you: it is definitely not a matter of credit.

Anyone's help would be highly appreciated, here.

Thanks and best regards

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