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Das Sony Xperia Z3 ist ein Android Smartphone, welches 2014 auf den Markt kam und bekannt ist für seine lange Akkulaufzeit und Haltbarkeit.

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Need Fix for Xperia Z3 Cracked Back Cover

I bought Xperia Z3 2 weeks back. My Back cover got cracked. But the Camera Lens & Display are in Intact.

While contacting Sony Service center, they are asking for 50% of Phone cost for replacement.

I need your help guys. Is there any fixes for back cover replacement.

Thanks & Regards


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I'm going through the same issue,

looking for a best idea:(


My 2 week old z3 had the same issue. Have written to support and waiting for answer


The same problem for me.


Same issue cracked back got it out off my loose fitting pocket


Same problem, put my Z3 in my pocket one morning, got into work and the glass at the back had a hairline crack - it was only a month old. Sony services tells me it's a damage caused by impact or pressure - I've never had a problem carrying any other smartphone in my pocket. This is only down to poor choice of material and an inferior build quality. It's been a consistent problem since the first Xperia Z, so why the keep manufacturing it with the easily cracked glass is beyond me - I'm never buying Sony again. Worst smartphone ever, and they call it a flagship... you can't even use it without reinforcing it with covers and $@$*.


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It's cheaper if you can DIY repair and you can get Xperia Z3 replacement parts here http://www.witrigs.com/replacement-parts...

But the disadvantage is that you can't ensure the phone still waterproof. So i think the reason why cost so much to Sony Service center is that they can give you the promise that your phone still be waterproof.

So you need to make a decision.

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you can fix it, ensure it, then replace it for "software" issue (no deductible) T mobile does that. so look into that.


the only decision for me to make......was to NEVER buy Sony again.......


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sony stop making everything glassss

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if they can promise the waterproof feature, why not?

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At YouTube is a video showing the way to replace back cover. there are The special glue and the backcover are less than 30 dlls on ebay, I am waiting the shipping.


How about the glass cover how much


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i broke my z3's front screen glass (crack from upper left to lower right) ..display still lighting but touch is working only on half screen. i am sending my phone to sony care. friends do u have any idea how much does that gonna cost ?? front screen display or glass ? not sure..

need help guys..

this is my first expensive phone.

what will they repair glass or screen ? and what will be the cost?

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Rs. 24000 fore displya attached screen touch. same problem here


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You can take it to a Sony centre, if you have one locally. They charge £25 for the repair and it doesn't effect your warranty. Much cheaper than sending it to them for the repair, and safer than doing it yourself.

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you can take the sony z3 battery coverhere, my friend has bought on this website

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Hi kanmanisekhar and ausanoj,

The same thing happened with me today :-(

Can you tell me how much sony charges for repairing it?

Approx price??

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So how much it will cost in the Philippines sony service center


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Sony said; $180 cost of a new screen part + labor

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that's utter bullshit then, that's $170 for labor n $10 for parts/p&p. A back glass costs less that $10 and can be bought on amazon/prime next day delivery (mines coming tomorrow.) Front cover on the other hand is another matter due tot he LCD being attached, and i'm sending my phone to get repaired the second i replace the back. I want my phone to be IP6 again, but every time it overheats cos of poor OS compatibility after lollipop update the adhesive isn't keeping the screen on the device.


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How about the back glass cover how much

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less than $10 on dbxstore


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Same issue happened with me.I will not by Sony experia again

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honest answer,

You can DIY for less than a tenner from amazon.

the replacement glass back just needs to be removed using heat then clean with alcohol based wipes cue tips /nail varnish remover. insure the contact area of the device is clean and dry before you apply the new back cover. Covers are up on sale for less than 10 pounds from amazon and you can replace it with the color of choice etc. as it won't revoke your warranty to replace it yourself as long as none of the Electronics are removed or seals on them broke (the battery has a a seal on the bottom right you should avoid pulling that tab.

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you can take the


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I cracked my screen today and the screen doesn't work. I can't do anything but I can still see my display , it's just messed up. I looked up how to replace it and it seems easy I can definitely apply the DIY method but will it even work ? Is that all my phone needs if I cracked the screen? Just a replacement ? Will my display screen be fixed and will the touch sensors work again?

I don't want to pay the deductible with T-Mobile because this would be the 5th time I would have to replace a Sony phone.. I've had all the xperias in the past and I'm sick of this. Is it possible for me to fix it on my own? Will my display work again with normal touch function and everything?

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If you want to replace your broken screen, you could watch this xperia z3 screen repair guide video to some tips:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hzuGqykk... . And all the phone function can be ok if you have do a correct repair work, just make sure you have connect all the cables in right condition.


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I had same problem in m5..this is very worst manufactureing.. They didn't gave good guality product for that much of cost..i really felt..i just refer all my friends don buy sony smart phones..

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The Sony xperia m5 has a plastic back instead of aluminium or metal. The reduced build quality means a better price point but at a loss of toughness. My M5 was less than 30 days old when a split appeared on the rear of the phone. This is unacceptable particularly since it was sold as a waterproof phone. Both Sony and my telco provider were unhelpful saying such damage is not covered under warranty. I would ask what does their warranty actually cover if these sorts of problems are left to the consumer to work out? It's a design fault of the phone and they don't want to deal with it. This is the last time I will buy a Sony make phone. I had to buy a temporary replacement budget phone and it only cost me $30. It is a full LCD 4inch smartphone and it works fine. What a joke these so called flagships have let themselves become. My xperia was.. $600

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Sony z3+back screen cracked, replacement, cost

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