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The HTC One (codenamed M7) is HTC's 2013 flagship smartphone. It features a seamlessly designed unibody aluminum frame, large dual front-facing speakers, and a 4.7-inch 1080p display.

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Bottom loud speaker not working

The bottom speaker of my HTC One M7 is not working. When i play music out loud the music comes out of the top ear piece speaker but the bottom one just ticks and ticks with no sound coming out. no matter what sound i play out loud this happens, including when the phone rings.

i woudl repair this myself but i cannot find a good guide anywhere on how to get it in and out risk free.

Does anyone know of anything that could have caused this or is a replacement the best way to go?

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If it ticks, your speaker is probably blown. This means replacing the speaker is the only way to fix it. This could have been caused from faulty speaker, falling and damaging the speaker, or over use. The last one is unlikely and should only play a factor if the speaker is faulty.

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