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Die Canon Power Shot A 540 ist eine "ziele und drücke ab" Kamera aus dem Jahre 2006 mit 6 Megapixel und einem 4fach Zoom Objektiv.

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recently started taking solid black pictures

up until recently, my camera works perfectly. Then about a week ago, it started taking solid black pictures. When trying to take a photo I can only see black in the screen. However, I can see previously taken pictures in the screen. I saw this problem listed under the S series. I tried the resolution by looking down the zoom lens,but I can see the "Flicker". Could this be something else? How can I fix it?

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Shelly, could be that the OPTICAL UNIT is defective. (The shutter in the LENS part is not opening). It is also possible that you have a CCD sensor error. Usually a replacement of the lens assembly will resolve it, but there is always a possibility that it is an issue of the CCD circuitry on the mainboard. I'd start with a new lens. Hope this helps, good luck.

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