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Fourth generation Samsung Android tablets. Released in April 2014.

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How much will it cost to repair a cracked screen?

I dropped my Samsung Galaxy Tab 4 and now there is a spider web crack in the corner. Every thing still works but I need to know roughly how much it will cost.

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You would better off going to amazon and getting another device. These companies of today make you pay a fortune for these devices only to turn around and charge outrageous prices for repair and all other sells they make profit from but when its time for them to cconvenience the customer, we either get charged too much or told a 500 dollar device is only worth 10 dollars towards the price of a new one. If thats not laundering money, i don't know what is. If companies were fair instead of greedy, customers would be able to be satisfied more consistently to bring more money in. The point is, once you break it, they wish for you to buy a new one to make more profit no matter how it harms your financial needs.


Your absolutely right! It's ridiculous how they take advantage of the consumer.


What they all said ^


Kevin, this is not an answer, it's a comment. If you agree, just vote an answer up ;-) Glad to have you here!


oopsy, still learning to navigate the forums. I'll do that.


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Dallas Hyatt, it'll be around $160-$200 for a complete repair by a third party. If you want to do it yourself, you can find the screen for about $70-$80 USD

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So it would be $160-$200 jist to get the screen replaced?


I just checked out the price cause mine just cracked. It's $265.00. Besides shipping cost from samsung. It's $299.00 at that "ubreakifix" shop.


I bought a screen for mine off amazon and it was only 15 bucks.


You can find the screen for $14 to $20 dollars ,only the screen online and order it. But you need some sort of special equipment to separate screen from LCD. A technician will charge about $60 in labor ( crazy expensive!) and he will want to order it himself, so we are talking about a total cost of between $75-$100. I'm taking mine to a local repair store and see what the guy says. A reasonable and honest technician should charge not more than $35 in labor. Or do it yourself following a YouTube step by step instruction. Good luck to you all!!


I have worked in the wireless industry for years. I have ran a few stores. Point is, I am really good at what I do and decided I was going to take a crack, no pun intended, repairing my own screen.

Let's just say it's a good thing I had 2 tablets because I totally ruined the tablet I was trying to repair. I was not very happy. I suppose that's why I was a sales manager LOL unless you are prepared to completely buy a new tablet when following the YouTube tutorials and such, make sure you take it to someone who will just replace it for you and knows what they are doing. For retail tablet cost is a lot different then

Tablet cost. The same tablet that you got for free could very well cost you four to $600.


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If you go to google and type in "how much for a replacement screen for samsung galaxy tab 4," then enter, it will show you they are about 20 bucks average. I have that screen open right now.

Next, find a local phone repair store around you. For me there are a couple on Harry Hines in Dallas, TX . Go in and ask how much for said screen and haggle over price. Make sure you ask for a replacement screen not to repair it. Actually you could ask both and compare prices. You wont like their repair price. If they try to charge you more than online then just casually tell them you will get it online because you dont have to have it right away. They may bargain with you they may not.

If they dont, go online and buy it. Whichever price you feel like paying.

Lastly, go on YouTube, (or you may want to do this first.) And look up how to repair a cracked screen. I looked up yesterday for samsung galaxy tab 3.0 or something like that and it was so easy. I dont have a heat gun so i will use a blow dryer. All i have to do is pull the front from the back, disconnect battery, disconnect screen, pull apart cover screen from lcd screen, (with help from blowdryer). Dont touch the lcd screen because they are hard to clean fingerprints from. Maybe use some rubber gloves from doctors. Then replace screen, plug in screen, plug in battery and snap back together. Ta-Da!!

Only cost me as much as a replaceme t screen and some of my time.

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Bewertung 10

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How hard is it in total for a galaxy tab a 9.7?


I have a btoken screen as well, i see the replacement for 12.00 online and i will give it a shot. There are walk through videos on Utube. Why not?


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It all depends in your area I charge $150 to replace the screen on the Tab 4 10.1 screen

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My tablet is a little cracked it's not working

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What kind of model tablet you have


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well you said the touch work so its the outter glass maybe like 4 bucks in a diy project with youtube is not that hard is already broken

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The outer glass is shattered, , how much is it gonna cost if I get it repaired by a third party?


finding the person do it is hard if you diy probably around 20 dollars


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Omg, pricey pricey! I've heard that alot of you have purchased screens online to bypass the rediculous prices that repairmen are charging but I wonder, what are the chances that I could actually fix my tablet screen myself? I have no experience whatsoever, Have any of you tried to repair your devices and succeeded by following a youtube tutorial? I would love to know guys. Thank you!

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Have you all lost your Flippin minds!!!! Did you all get together and come up with these ridiculous prices to replace a stupid screen on a tablet just to upset me!!!! If this is a joke.........it's not funny !!! I'm going to one of these phone stores in the mall and the person that tells me it's gonna cost more than 40 bucks....I'M KICKING THEM IN THE CROTCH!!!!!

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Greta Barkingstein mcgruff you need to check the date of the original question. You are about 3 years behind, so the only one that you should be kicking is yourself for being extremely juvenile!


How much money do you make, Greta? I wonder how long it takes to change a screen? If it takes an hour and a half, that's probably well over $100 for labor. Plus the screen. How much is the rent in your area for a store front? $1000-$1500/ month? How many of these a day can the tech do? How much is their power bill? How much does it cost the owner of the shop for medical insurance for his guys working there? Vacation? Retirement contributions? Liability insurance? Advertising? How much should a good tech get paid? $35-$40/hour plus benefits? How much and how long does it take to train a good tech? How many trainees does the shop owner go through before he finds someone that is worth a %#*@ (where I work it's about 8 duds to 1 good worker)?

Some people have no clue about what it takes to run a business. They assume every dollar that they charge goes right into the owner's pocket.


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