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Das HP Slate6 VoiceTab Android Smartphone wurde im Januar 2014 angekündigt.

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Where can I replace my broken screen?

Hi,i have this new model hp slate 6 voice tab smartphone which is 1 month old but accidentally the screen has broken.i have looked everywhere to get it replaced but i have failed.kindly give me a location where i can fix back the LCD screen.am in Dubai


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Hello nickmwangi65,

My situation is similar to yours. I had been to HP Service center for replacing the screen but they are charging way high amount to replace the LCD Screen.

I want to know whether your full touch is not working or partial.

In my phone the screen's upper half is working fine. But the lower one is not working.

So I guess only the LCD Glass panel has to be replaced. I have checked online and found one on alibaba.com charging at $3-$10 for the Glass panel. Hope it helps you if only your glass panel has damaged.

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i have replaced in abu dhabi and cost around 370 dhs. contact me sai290310@gmail.com.

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I have the same issue as well.The HP authorised service centre is charging more amount around 6000 INR. This is really huge still i have warrenty.But they are telling this is physical damage.As per mine this is not physical damage.The screen has cracks suddenly while speaking to some one because of heat.Could you please help me where can i get the cheap LCD for slate 6 voice tab2

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i am also waiting for external solution because , when i went to HP care , they told me the coast of aprox 6000/


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Do not buy only de touchscreen, there is no way to remove the cracked one whitout damaging the LCD (at least it's hard as !&&*) it's glued to the touch, so better buy a touch-LCD assembly, if you buy the touchscreen you should know there's no much info about the process to remove the old one, you'll need constant heat and some kind of wire to dissasembly it, btw a LOT of patience, one mistake and you'll end breaking it...

Buy it on eBay, it's about US $70, lcd+touchscreen assembly

PD. I hope you understand, Im from Mexico, don't speak english very well.

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my tab id 2 year old give me the right place to repair it in low price

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I have lcd+touch of hp slate 6 if some one needs it then let me confirm.....

Email: technowarsunited@gmail.com

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$5-$15 for lcd+touch of hp slate 6 is available.

Email: technowarsunited@gmail.com

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