Why are my UP, Left, L1, L2 not working?

I had 2 controllers. One was new and the other was about more than a year old which came with my PS3. They worked perfectly fine until the old one I left at the table got dusty and broke the new one. I kept using the dusty controller until the dust got out. Now the D-pad UP, LEFT buttons are not working and L1 and L2 not working as well. The rest are working no problem. So how can I fix this issue? I don't want to buy a $60 controller. Help?

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Fabian, I am very confused by this "old one I left at the table got dusty and broke the new one. I kept using the dusty controller until the dust got out. " explain that a bit better. Not sure what you mean by the dust came out etc. Have you taken the controller apart? Have you checked the D-pad? You are having problems with two controllers?


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