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The Optoma HD20 is a home theater projector that has a 1080p resolution that was released August 2009. Repair of this device requires screwdrivers and prying tools.

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Why is no image being display from the projector?

When I turn my device on the projector powers up, but no image is displayed. This has only recently started to occur.

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My goodeee projector I just got it working good yesterday then today just a white light nothing else’s it won’t show pictures


Power comes on with sound no picture on my optoma projector


I do encounter with the same issue. I had bought a new projector. Some times it works nicely and sometime the screen became white and no video. But audio is ok. I am fed up with this issue and little upset why because, neither ifind any answer on Goole nor with manufacturer yet.


Hi @ MAS Shareef,

If it is a new projector, as it is faulty, consult the user guide that came with the projector about how to make a claim for a manufacturer's warranty repair, replacement or refund.


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Gewählte Lösung

The way I see it there are two possibilities. 1.) Your HDMI cord is either not plugged in properly or it is broken. 2.) The bulb in your projector has burned out. This can be caused either by overheating or overuse. The standard bulb life for these projectors is 3000 hours in high lamp and 4000 hours low lamp. If your bulb is burned out it will need replacing, and a new bulb can cost you around $250.

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My projector turn on a red and orange light turns on and objection does not send out I change my bold and it still does not work my color wheel is inside what could be wrong with


Hi Guys, having an issue connecting my Xbox One S to my JVC X7000 projector. I have no issues with my PS4 Pro but when i try the XBox I get audio but no picture. Projector is plugged into HDMI port on the back of my Integra DRX3 and then a HDMI from game port Into the console. Not sure how to fix the issue. Tried different ports and still get audio but no picture. HELP?


Hello,I was playing my Xbox on my projector turned it off and later turned it back on. When I turned my projector back on it was showing gray and still is. What could it be?


@citygirl you need to start your own question, this is attached to a 3 year old question


Thank you! my HDMI cable just broken


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