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A point-and-shoot camera manufactured by Sony. Released January 2011.

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Sony Cyber-shot DSC-W510 images are not showing on the screen

I turned on my camera, but I cannot view the images that I have on file. I am able to able to access the menu on the camera, but not the images. Is their any reason why I am not able to view my images?

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There can be many reasons why your camera is not displaying images. One of the simplest problems is that your camera does not have a memory card. If your camera does not have an outer memory card, you can purchase one online or at your local electronics store. Another problem might be a faulty screen. If this is the case, you will have to replace the screen.

Another option is to is to check and see if there is any problems with your motherboard. Sometimes a small issue with the camera motherboard can cause the screen to only show certain things such as, the menu.

Another solution to take into consideration is checking the camera lens. If any of these solutions do not work, then your best option is to replace the camera or reset the camera to factory settings.

If the problem persists or there are any other issues, please visit the Troubleshooting Page.

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my camera do not show the images which I shoot

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my camera do show the images which I shoot

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my do not show the images which I shoot

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