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black screen after lcd replace. correct type, which is ccfl.

hi, i have a MacBook Pro a1211. after i replace my lcd with a new one, all i got is black screen. i see a light from bottom part. from that, i think the backlight is working, at least the bottom part. From what i learn from reading, the possibilities are i broke the inverter, either that or i toast the video card. from the way it looks. like there is power to lcd but no data(picture signal).

another problem is that i formatted the hardrive. now it doesnt have an operating system. because of there is no OS, i cant get it so i can use external monitor to test if graphic card/the whole system is working but the lcd. the only way to install OS and test the system is to get the lcd working. i post some pics to show about backlight from the lcd. i think its normal for uneven lightning on lcd(bottom part brighter than top) since it is not really a picture. it is just empty screen.




thanks in advance


I manage to put on the old cracked lcd back. Viola! it works! wow, i thought i broke my mbp. it is clear now that the problem is on the replacement lcd. my original lcd is CCFL matte. my replacement lcd is CCFL glossy. will this make any difference? isnt it the same thing? i am trying to contact my lcd seller. any suggesstion what should i do/ask? i am installing osx now using old cracked lcd. after i install osx, i will be able to boot into system and use external monitor. my other thought is that since it is a new lcd, from different manufacturer and year, it has different driver. Since i am running without OS, hence lcd not able to boot. will post some more info as soon as i finish install osx.

Update 2:

WoW this is getting ridiculous. i dunno what is wrong with my laptop. i got a new lcd, and it still give same problem. if i put on my old cracked lcd it works fine. the problem is... the grey screen wont come out. it goes straight to OSX. i have to fly blind until OSX. i cant access startup manager.

1st problem: During grey screen, it just shows blank/black with back light on. i try resetting PRAM like 10 times. need more? the lcd seller is suggesting that i reset PRAM multiple times to fix the color and grey screen problem.

2nd problem: the color of the lcd is blueish. what should be white is now white-blue ish. what is wrong with this? i can manipulate the color on system preference. it helps but still its not normal. when i pick yellow red warm color scheme, it makes it looks like my other macbook/normal. my other macbook is using LED backlight not ccfl. On my original cracked lcd, the color looks good. any suggestion?

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yes, the new lcd isn't good. since it doesn't show anything - the problem could go from non compatible to faulty. i would stick with a matte screen. the lcd does't need a working os to show something. i think it's simply defective. ask the seller for a replacement


tested lcd replacement after i install OSX, new lcd works. but the color is kinda off. it is blueish. any idea?


go to system preferences/displays and play around with the settings


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I would first try to rule some possible problems out - check all connectors, if the light isn't completely on, it might be a connection problem.

just use the lcd panel guide as a todo list with all the needed checkpoints.

surely you could also replug your old lcd to see if the light on top works or fails.

also take care that the display data cable is connected properly

the ccfl is the Cold Cathode Fluorescent Lamp - it's a very fragile lamp, replacing isn't very hard, but you have to be careful. unless you confirmed a ccfl defect, let them rest in your old (faulty) lcd. it's always hard to tell whats wrong on a computer with various battlegrounds. so try to fix the screen first, if the computer doesn't find the operating system - it will show you a folder with a question mark

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hi markus, thx for ur advise. i did try to plug in my old LCD, and it doesnt work either. all dark with no light(i think)+crack. i also did re-check all the connector(i will re-check again in the morning). i hope it is just connector problem.

Is it possible to bring it to apple store, pretend to be dumb and ask them to diagnosis? The MacBookpro is out of warranty. will apple store accept a MacBook Pro that has been repaired not by apple?


apple might accept it, but not for free - and in that case i wouldn't bring it to them. normally i would go for the connectors, the cables and the inverter


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These line of MBPs had a variety of LCDs fitted. To ID your display open Terminal and type:

ioreg -lw0 | grep IODisplayEDID | sed "/[^<]*</s///" | xxd -p -r | strings -6

That shows you the exact LCD that is in your machine. Unfortunately you'll need a working display to do this, so we're really at a loss here. I don't know if the output on an external display will show "THAT" LCD or the native one. That needs to be researched.

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You bought the wrong item, the new one may be of a different voltage or higher resolution. So you'll need to checkout the Serial # from the sticker in the back of the Old LCD and order the right one.

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